Chapter 11

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Tabitha's POV:

It had been a Month Since Sydney, Dakota,Maddie, Nicole, and Whit had gone Missing.There had been No Trace of where They'd Gone exept all of Their Rooms were Trashed as if Someone had Gone Through them and Searched for Something or They'd Packed to Go Somewhere Quickly.

I was Going to meet Shawn and Tyler (Tyler's a Girl) at The Mall to go Shopping together.Sydney, Dakota, Maddie, Nicole, and Whit usually Came with us but They were Gone.I walked to the Long Booth in the Food Court.I was the First there, so I waited for them.I went ahead and Ordered some Food to eat.

When I brought my food back to My Spot and sat down to started to eat When I heard a Familiar Voice."Hey Tabby!"I looked to See Shawn over there."Hello!How are you Doing?"I asked before taking a Sip of My Drink."Great! I'm going to go get Some Food.I see you've already gotten yours."He pointed out the Obvious."Yep.You go get Yours."I told him as he Ran off to stand in line.

I quickly Ate my Chicken Sandwich before he Came back with his food.He sat down in front of me."Where's Tyler?"I asked him."Oh Yeah!She told me she won'tbe able to come because She has to pack for a Trip that she's going on in a Week!" I laughed,"She told me That! I thought she wouldn't have to Pack until The Day Before."

"Oh!She also stated that she Packs a Lot of Stuff and that She packs a Couple of Weeks ahead. Tyler forgot Today We were to meet up at The Mall and It happened to be Today that She planned to Pack Her Stuff."Shawn explained to Me."Oh, Ok."I said with a Mouthful of Food.

We ate in Silence for the Next Couple of Moments with The Only Sound Being The Gossip of People around us and The Chewing of our Food.I decided to Pipe up about Something We said to Never talk about on Purpose.

"So,What do you think Sydney, Dakota, Maddie, Nicole, and Whit are doing right now?"Shawn stopped eating and stared at me."I thought we Agreed to Never talk about this."I chuckled,"Well, I was bored and I just came out."I lied to him."I know you're Lying! You're Smiling when you say that! You said that on Purpose!" He Jumped up and Pointed to me While Shaking his finger towards me.

"I know you miss them like I do and We'd do anything to Help them, but We don't know if they are Currently Dead or Alive!" I told him.Ever since that Day, None of us felt Whole Because we Didn't have Dakota, Maddie, and Sydney running around and Playing the Most Stupid games and Sydney Trying to Encourage them all to Run instead of Walk the Mile, but instead we'd keep walking and get Bad Scores. He sighed."You're Right Tabitha."

We got up to put our Trash away and headed for Hot Topic." I got enough Money to buy a Doctor Whooves, A Vinyl Scratch POP Vinyl Figure and a Pinkie Pie Vinyl Figure!" Shawn told me and Clapped his hand in Exciment." Cool,I only brought 35 Dollars and I already spent 10 on My Food so I'm Probably Going to get a T-Shirt." He Replied to me," Cool...and I Wonder what Dakota, Maddie ,Sydney, Whit, and Nicole are Doing Right now..."

Maddie's POV:

We Woke up Early By Sydney as Usual, but not like We we used to. She Jumped up and Down on Our Bed this time."Come on Get up Guys! Today's the Day!" I stared at her."What's Today?" I asked her."We have a Break from Training Today! It's a Free Day! We can do Anything we Want to!" She seemed Very Excited. Dakota and I weren't Amused.

"You may want to Get up Early, But I Definatly Want to sleep in! This place is Like School Exept you Work out More and You don't have Saterday and Sunday off!" I Spoke Drowsily to her and Dakota and Whit, Who was Over on the Couch listening, Agreed with me.

She smirked and started to Talk," Hey Guys, Do you want to be the First to Get Food?" Whit laughed," What do you Mean? People are probably Already There. There's no Use." 

"Think About it!" She Started,"The Other Cadets are probably doing the Same as you Guys! Sleeping in Later and If we Get Their Early We get as Much Food as we Want!" I Shot up and so did Dakota and Whit." I'm In!" We Shouted in Unison.

"Oh!," She added," We don't have to Dress in Our Uniform and My Clothes We came here in are Well...Missing. You guys Got any?"She asked, pointing to Me and Dakota."I actually Lost my Clothes too Amazingly." I admitted too. "I got Mine. Check your Bags Just in Case." Whit held up His Clothes and smiled at us. Sydney searched through Her bag to make sure and shook her head and I did the Same. Sydney layed back on the End of Our Bed and Closed her Eyes.

"Well..." Dakota Started," I got some Extra Clothes but all I have is Skirts." Sydney's Eyes Shot open." I'm not wearing a Skirt! No Way!" I Raised my Hand,"I'll wear One. Unlike Sydney I don't mind." 

"Hey! I Don't Mind either but I just Feel Perverted when I do Wear One!" She hissed at us."I have a Blue, Pink, and Purple Skirt. What Skirt do you Want?" Sydney took The Blue Skirt While I got The Pink one and We let Dakota with The Purple Skirt. She had Some White T-Shirts and Clip on Ties that Matched the Skirts. 

Whit came out of The Bathroom and Let us Go in. When we put The Skirts on, Sydney and I noticed It came to Above the Knees. Sydney didn't seem to Surprised though. We came out of The Bathroom and Went to Put Our Shoes on. Sydney and I were About to Put on Tennis Shoes when Dakota yelled at us.

"Hey! You can't Wear Tennis Shoes! Wear these!" She Threw Mary Janes at Sydney and I along with White Knee Socks." What are we?Japanese School Girls?" Sydney Asked her. Dakota Shrugged," That's up to you to Decide." We Quickly put the Socks on and Mary Janes and Soon Left for The Mess Hall.

When we Arrived, The only people there Were Nicole and Whit, Who we Told to go on Ahead. We headed to get Food when Whit Stopped us." They won't let us Get Food until Everyone Else gets Here!" Whit, Dakota, and I stared Daggers into Sydney. She Simply Shrugged and Sat sown saying," How was I supposed to know?"

****Magical Time Skip****

After about an Hour, Everyone Crowded The Mess Hall wondering the Same as Us. 

"Attention Cadets! Sit Down!" We looked up to see Shadis Standing there. He waited as Everyone Sat Down, He started up Agian. "Cadets, As you all know about Wall Maria,We haven't had Lots of Resources and Food."

"Cadets, From now on We only get One Piece of Food Each Day."

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