Gathering the Horcruxes

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Oh my gosh you guys, has it really been 2 months since the last update? I'm really sorry guys for disappearing all of the sudden but school was pretty hectic these past few months but don't worry it's all over now..... anyway let's not delay any further.

Gathering the Horcruxes

"What exactly did Fate tell you about the alternate timeline?" Harry asked.

He sat in Lady Aggie's study with Hermione by his side. The Diggorys and Narcissa and Draco arrived just after lunchtime and after a quick tour of the new house, they returned to the manor. The others split off in different directions to handle different tasks when Harry and Hermione asked to speak to the Malfoys. They knew Alastor and Remus were going to brief the Diggorys. Xeno had to leave to return to the paper. Severus followed them into the study and stood off to the side.

Narcissa took a shuddering breath, looking at Draco, "My son. On the floor of our Manor house, being tortured by the Dark Lord. Spell after spell as his bones broke and he bled. Cruciatus." A tear slipped out of her eye, "My husband and I being held back by men and women we counted as friends as my son was killed in front of our eyes. Then standing on a hill with a battle raging. You two in front of us along with Luna and Neville. I could see the flow of love between the two of you. It was the purest, most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I knew in that moment that you were the hope for our world, the only chance we'd ever had. And then you were destroyed. Then I woke up in my bed the morning we were to take Draco to the train. When I saw the two of you at the station and saw the flow again, I knew we were at a point where we could change things."

"Flow of love?" Harry asked.

"Remember I showed you theirs that first day," Hermione replied.

"Oh," Harry nodded, remembering.

Narcissa smiled, "Everyone has a different color. Some say it is based on their personality, others say it is dependent upon their magic. Either way, both of yours was white. Every color that ever existed blended into the most vibrant white light I'd ever seen. That's how I knew. It is the color of hope."

Harry looked to Hermione and she nodded. Harry took a breath and said, "The reason Riddle killed you, Draco, is because in our sixth year, he gave you a task to do. One he felt you failed because Severus completed it. The task was to kill Dumbledore."

"What?" Draco gasped.

"Lucius would never have allowed such a thing," Narcissa protested.

"Lucius was in Azkaban," Hermione replied. "And once Draco had taken the Dark Mark, Riddle had control he needed. Threatening you gave him the leverage."

Narcissa began to weep. Severus crossed to her and handed over a handkerchief. "We are telling you this, now, so that you understand why we must ask you to do something. And that you must give your word to not tell Lucius what you have done."

Narcissa looked up at her husband's best friend, "Why not?" She questioned Severus, then looked to Harry and Hermione. "You don't trust him!" her tears dried instantly.

"Not with this," Hermione shook her head. Narcissa stared at her sadly then she nodded. "Have either of you ever heard of a Horcrux?" Both Draco and Narcissa shook their heads.
They had gathered together again in the study to plan their night. Alastor was the last to join them, slamming a large wooden crate onto the floor.

"What's that?" Remus asked.

"Answer to our problem," he said. "Back when I was an Auror we need a way to transport dangerous objects without risking ourselves." He reached into the crate and lifted out what looked like a large rock. He tapped the top of it with his wand and it cracked in half and opened revealing the crystal geode interior and large hollow center. "No curse has ever penetrated this carrier. I kept one when I retired, just in case."

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