Tabloids and Lies

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Dang y'all, how long has it been since the last update? Two? Three years? I know some of you have been sooooo patient with me and have held hope for an update and here we are three years later. I'm so, so, soooo sorry for disappearing for so long and not giving y'all a heads up and for leaving all of you readers out of my loop. I can't promise all of you that I'll stay updated this way, I might disappear again or maybe I won't, either way I'll try my best to keep this story alive, as it has been for three years.

Tabloids and Lies

Ragnok looked out over the Goblins gathered in Gringotts' Private Meeting room. He lifted his hand for silence and addressed them in the Goblin ancient tongue. "Goblins. We have a decision before us. Several weeks ago Gringotts was contacted by Lady Potter with a special request. She asked that we prepare a Magma Vault for the secure storage of four items believed to be corrupted by evil. I personally arranged for the vault and billed the House of Potter's accounts accordingly. Ten days ago, Lord and Lady Potter contacted their account manager Griphook and advised that they would be transporting the objects to Gringotts that night. When they arrived with the objects, a scan revealed that they indeed had each been desecrated by the Dark One, specifically they each house a segment of the Dark One's polluted soul. As requested, I secured them inside of a Magma Vault to be stored until such time as Lord or Lady Potter orders their retrieval or destruction. Per the standard Gringotts' Vault contract, no information about or access to these objects will be given to anyone except Lord or Lady Potter or their authorized proxy." He paused for a moment to take a drink of water.

"This evening, eighteen minutes before close of business, I was approached by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore requesting an override of Lord Potter's contract. Specifically he requests as the current Leader of the Light of Magic that he be granted access to these objects immediately. He wants to examine them and remove them from Gringotts. We have never denied any request from the Leader of Light, even when we disagreed with the decision," Ragnok fell silent again as the Goblins exchanged glances and a few mutters.

Griphook took a deep breath and stood, "We tell him no." The attention of every Goblin went to him. "Gringotts has always enforced a strict policy of security and privacy in regards to the accounts we hold. No one, not even Dumbledore, is entitled to ask us to violate that policy. Especially not as it relates to Lord and Lady Potter." Griphook moved to the front of the gathering. "How many of you have interacted with Lord or Lady Potter?" Several Goblins stood, then returned to their seats. "How many were insulted or degraded during that interaction?" Not a single Goblin stood. "How many were ever treated without unwavering respect and honor, even during the briefest of encounters?" No one stood, a few shook their heads. "I was promoted to the rank of Account Supervisor because of a letter sent to me by Lord Potter when he was only eleven years old." With a pointed finger, the letter appeared in front of Griphook and expanded large enough to be visible to everyone.

"In all my years, no Goblin has ever received such a letter from a wizard," Ragnok advised. "The signature is Lord Potter's, an evaluation has shown the narrative was written by Lady Potter though we believe the words to be Lord Potter's." He pointed and the letter disappeared and was replaced by another. "Two days after the objects were delivered, I received this letter, thanking us for our assistance. This letter was addressed to me as well as Palkot and Taknot." There was a louder wave of murmuring as the two named Goblins rose for a moment.

"Lady Potter requested the names of the Goblins that would be assisting them," Griphook explained.

"Lady Potter is extraordinarily respectful," Ragnok said. "She apologized for the delay in sending the letter however she and the other children were ill the day following. Apologized to us Goblins for a twenty four hour delay on a letter none expected."

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