01: The Wrong Side of Tipsy

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It is not unusual for Isaac Berkovich to be sat in the back corner of a party, watching as opposed to participating, it is however unusual to have Liam Powell sitting beside him. Usually Liam is the life of the party, either found doing what can only be described as dad dancing, or buying people he only really vaguely knows shots at the bar for the most arbitrary of reasons. "It's Friday Isaac!" (or any day ending in y if we're being truly honest), "It's this guy's sister's girlfriend's birthday" or even, "his pets first name was Fluffy and my pets first name was Fluffy, it's a sign!". Isaac has given up on trying to ensure Liam doesn't go bankrupt by buying other people drinks, it'll be his own fault if he does.

So while that Liam is usually at the centre of the action, the one sitting beside him is a little less so. It's perhaps a few too many drinks; when you're buying others shots you've gotta have one as well, it's just common sense. So Liam is slouched back on his chair, a relaxed grin on his face as he surveys the dancefloor and the people on it.

"I can't wait to leave these idiots behind."

Isaac remains silent, partly because he's not sure is this is another drunken ramble that Liam's about to embark upon and partly because the topic of leaving people behind has been rather taboo within their group of friends over the past few weeks. But Liam doesn't seem happy with his silence.

"You don't seem very happy Isaac," he says slowly, his words blurring into one as he drags out his syllables, "celebrate. You're about to head off to the best university in the world."



"I'm hopefully about to go to the best university in the world, not definitely."

"Hopefully, schmopefully, we all know you've got in."

Isaac isn't sure quite how to explain the sinking feeling that settles in his stomach when people say that. He's almost grown accustomed to ignoring it though so he simply rolls his eyes at Liam, shakes his head and waits for the other boy to carry on.

It doesn't take long.

"All I'm saying is you should be having fun tonight, it's the last time you're going to have to see these people, why aren't you having more fun, you need a shot, let me buy you a shot."

"I'm the designated driver," Isaac gently reminds Liam, "and I am having fun, I'm talking to you."

"Oh god you're not having fun cause you feel like you need to take care of me," Liam looks genuinely devastated by this apparent revelation, "you know you don't have to look after me, I'm not one of the twins, I can survive."

As if to prove his point Liam stands up, swaying side to side ever so slightly as he tries to stay upright. Isaac tugs on his arm to force him to sit down again.

"I know I don't have to look after you," Isaac assures him, "but I like talking to you, and I'm hoping that drunk you is going to tell me all sorts of secrets."

"I may be drunk but I will take my secrets to my grave," Liam says solemnly.

"Well then you're just no fun then are you?"

Liam actually pouts, and Isaac can't help the grin that spreads across his face. The two have practically polarising personalities, but somehow Isaac finds himself always smiling when the other boy is around. He supposes they say that opposite attracts for a reason after all, and Liam has fast become one of Isaac's closest friends.

A slightly tipsy Daniel drops into the seat beside them then, a slightly less tipsy Jonah trailing not too far behind. Last Isaac had seen them they had been getting a little too close on the dancefloor but now they have drinks in hand, so he figures that necessitates a break from the intense PDA that was attracting them some disapproving looks from the teachers who would rather they keep it PG.

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