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When they finally get back from the walk Isaac wants nothing more than a hot shower and to lie in bed with some junk food. He's enjoyed his day - certain phone calls not included - but that doesn't mean he wants to move. He's tired, and the sun was so warm that he's convinced staying in a nice cool room must be better than any alternative Liam can no doubt think of.

As Isaac predicted Liam is having none of it, he allows Isaac his shower, both of them are sweaty after all, but after that he's dragging Isaac out of the room. Isaac is relieved to see that at the very least they're heading in the direction of food.

"Eat something filling," Liam tells him, "we've got a big night ahead of us."

Isaac resists the urge to groan in annoyance, the lack of sleep from last night is starting to catch up with him and the idea of his head is sounding more and more appealing. He knows when Liam says they have a big night ahead of them he has no chance of getting to bed at a reasonable hour. He's going to have to insist on a lie in tomorrow, Liam is just going to have to entertain himself.

"Ugh," Isaac settles on replying eventually, "I just want to sleep Liam."

"Believe me Isaac, what I have planned is far more fun than sleep?"

"You always say that, and it's very rarely true."

"And you're always super rude to me, and yet I tolerate you."

"You don't tolerate me," Isaac says, "you like me. I'm your favourite, remember?"

"I don't think I've ever regretted vocalising something as much as I do that, you're never going to let it go are you?"

"Gotta hold onto whatever compliment I can get Liam."

"Clearly you're starved of affection," Liam says.

"Something like that."

Isaac focuses on enjoying his food and tries not to think about what Liam may have in store, Liam's plans are often dangerous, and often are less fun than Liam thinks they're going to be. Isaac supposes this is a week of being spontaneous though, of going along with whatever the world has in store. And it's hardly like he's going to say no, he can't imagine turning down an opportunity to spend time with Liam.

"Can you tell me where we're going?" He asks eventually.

"No can do I'm afraid, last night you surprised me, and tonight it's my turn."

Isaac hates surprises, hates feeling unprepared for a situation. But he stays silent and fills his mouth with food rather than words.

"I can tell you hate this," Liam laughs. "Always so predictable Isaac."

"I prefer the word consistent."

"Ah, the most desirable of traits."

"You don't seem to mind it."

A pause, a silence. Isaac realises how that might be interpreted.

"That is true, your consistency is quite endearing I suppose. Someone I always know I can rely on, like the whole thing with, well I guess with my dad."

"Well I'm glad I can provide something in this relationship."

"You provide lots of things."

A shared smile and then Isaac forces himself to focus on his food again.

Once they're both finished, Liam wraps his hand around Isaac's wrist and tugs him along after him.

"Come on."

Isaac has to admit that Liam's excitement is rather infectious and he finds himself following without question. He's nervous of course, hates the idea of going somewhere he knows nothing about, but he trusts Liam and despite their differences is aware that Liam usually knows best.

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