14: Hello MTV and Welcome to My Cave

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Despite their late night adventures both boys seem to be strangely full of energy, and somehow, Isaac still isn't quite sure how, he manages to convince Liam to go on a walk with him. It used to be one of Isaac's favourite things to do, heading out at the weekend with Gideon, neither of them having any path in mind, just determined to walk and explore, only turning around when they felt they could walk no further.

"I can't believe you managed to talk me into this."

"Neither can I to be honest," Isaac says gently, "you always told me walking was a pointless endevaour."

"I guess I'm just not a nature person, I grew up in the suburbs Isaac, I wasn't born in the middle of nowhere like you."

Liam is teasing, but Isaac notices that both of them seem more nervous now that the day is actually here. Nothing has really shifted in their dynamic, but there's definitely nerves there. It's this weird in between place that Isaac can't quite work out how to explain, like everything has changed but nothing really is. They're halfway between friends and something more, and so neither of them is quite sure what to say, what roles they're meant to be playing today.

Isaac is relieved to see that they have at the very least settled into the normal roles, and that neither of them seems to be intent on making this weird, or awkward, or something they need to dwell on. As long as everything seems normal, he doesn't have to dwell on it for long, and then he doesn't have to think about everything that it might mean, the guilt that he knows he'll feel if he allows himself to think about it beyond a superficial level.

"Well I hope you'll enjoy it anyway," Isaac replies.

"Are you going to take me somewhere cool again."

"Everywhere I take you is cool Liam, because I am cool."

Liam snorts as he tries not to alugh and it shouldn't be attractive but dammit Isaac finds it cute.

"You keep telling yourself that," Liam says eventually, "whatever helps you sleep at night."

The two of them set off with that, Isaac has planned this route to perfection. Usually he would just set off and see where his feet take him, but today he has a plan, he wants to show Liam the sights. For some reason he wants Liam to fall in love with his place as much as Isaac loves this place. And so Isaac needs to show him the highlights, they're not here for long and Isaac is aware that this may be the opportunity he gets where Liam agrees to go on a walk, and so they're heading out on Isaac's favourite route. Minimal hills (to keep Liam happy) and fantastic views (so Isaac can see Liam smile).

Isaac feels weirdly domestic as they set off, it might be something to do with the picnic he's packed in his backpack, but it also might be to do with the easy way that they're talking, and the way that their hands keep brushing. He imagines that this must be what being in a relationship must be like, an easiness that can't be achieved any way other than naturally, but then again he's always felt that way around Liam, as if Liam relaxes every worry he's ever had.

"Am I allowed to know where we're going at least?"

"Can't handle two surprises in a night."

"I think there was more than two," Liam mutters.

Isaac chooses to ignore that comment.

"I just like to know where I'm going end up," Liam carries on, "you know in case I get murdered."

"You don't think I'd have murdered you by now if I wanted to?"

"First of all, that definitely sounds like something a murderer would say. Second, I never said you were going to be one that murdered me."

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