14. Pinky Promises And Danger✔

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Alana's POV

Don't you just love it when you can let your guard down with someone you can trust.

I do..

And its today I'll give you some advice, tell someone how much you care because tomorrow is never yours..

Sitting on the bathroom counter I stare at Aiden as he takes care of my wounds. He was giving me the silent treatment and I pouted.

"Babe." I whine and he dabs my head with rubbing alcohol. "Oh fuble!"

I wince, flinching away and glaring at him.

"Sorry." He mutters never catching my eye and I sigh.

"Babe can you please talk to me?"

"I just did." He mutters closing the first aid kit.

"I mean for real. Why are you so mad?"

He sets down his hands and stares at me finally.

"You almost got yourself killed. For the second time. This could've been avoided."

"Oh so the first time I put poison in my own food right?" I ask incredulously and he rolls his eyes.

"That's not what I meant don't try to turn my words around." He says sternly and I scoff. "You just can't accept that someone cares about you can you? Newsflash Alana, not everyone is against you." He turns and leaves and I quickly jump down following him.

"I never said that! I'm just. . I'm used to always defending myself, so I obviously went there with the intention of just hurting her. . . but instead you ended up killing someone. Gosh, I'm sorry."

He sighs gripping my waist and pulling me into him.

"It's fine. I've killed people before y'know."

"What?"I exclaim in alarm and he chuckles.

"Being rich gives you a lot of enemies." He states and I nod..

"Just please, stop. . . almost dying." He says not being able to find the word and I giggle.

"I will. I promise."

"Promise sunflower?" He repeats holding out his pinky finger and I smile softly, joining my finger with his.

Seconds later he's colliding his lips with mine. He applies pressure kissing furiously and I groan as he lifts me, wrapping my legs around his waist. Soon we're against the wall, and I moan as Aiden sucks on my tongue. He smiles against my lip and I bite his, tugging at his shirt.

He presses me further against the wall so I don't fall as he throws his shirt off him, his lips never leaving mine. I run my hand across his chest and he groans. He simply places me down and holds me in place as he gently pulls on my bottom lip.

By the time we're done I'm panting and he smirks down at me as I eye his chest. I blush and avert my eyes and he places a kiss on my nose, then my cheek, then my forehead and last a softer one on my lips. Its slower this time and its a series of endless bliss. He presses himself further on me and there's literally no space in between us. I feel his . . uh . . member and I can tell that he knows because he smirks against my lips. I moan softly and break apart.

"Alright I need to leave before I take you hard against that wall." He says huskily, shaking his head and I smile teasingly.

"Marriage before sex bad boy." I say and he groans but nods.

"I can live with that. Just need to pop a ring on that finger and you're all mine." He murmurs pecking my lips before going to put on his shoes.

"So, what I'm hearing is. . . as long as we're not married-"

"No. I am definitely not sharing you. Just get that out of your head." I burst out laughing at his scowl and grab his shirt that he recently put on, pulling him to me. I rest my head on his chest and he wraps his hand around me as it hangs lazily on my back. He places his chin on my head.

"I'm just kidding. I'm all yours." I tell him and he nods.

"I know baby, . . .I know."

* * *

Its four a.m.

So why in the world is my doorbell ringing?!

I grumpily walk towards the door and swing it open.

"What?!" I yell.

"Jeez woman calm your tits. Actually don't, I have some bad news."

"Dustin?" I raise an eyebrow as he brushes past me and stands in my living room. I close the door and cross my arms yawing.

"What were you thinking!" He yells and I cough.

"What?" I ask still dazed and he makes a flat face.

"Your little boyfriend killed Ashely!" He says and I scoff.

"She tried to poison me." I tell him and he sighs.

"Leo is making a plan to attack your boyfriend." He gets straight to the point and I gape.

"What?!" I all but scream and he winces. "Its just one problem after another isn't it."

"Yup. He was already jealous, this was just a reason to try to get rid of him."

"What am I going to do?! Aiden can't fight a wolf!"

"Go away, take a vacation."

"For how long?" I sigh plopping down on my bed. "Even if we return he'll still be there."

"No, because I'm going to fight him to the the death."

"Are you stupid?" I deadpan.
"You're going to challenge an alpha?"

"Give me fifteen days. On the sixteenth I'll call and then you'll be allowed to come back."

"What if. . . what if you don't call?"

"I'm sorry Alana but for you and your boyfriend's safety, you'll have to move to a different city."


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