Chapter 4

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Kahlly Callows belongs to LillianDuncan

Jenni's POV
"Hi," I said, "you're Blake I'm guessing?"

The cat Faunus nodded.

"I'm Jenni," I said.

"Are you a new recruit?" Blake asked.

"I guess so," I answered.

Blake pointed to a cot next to the one she was currently occupying, "You can put your stuff there."

"Thank you," I said setting my backpack down, "so how long have you been here?"

"Fifteen years," Blake said not looking up from her book.

My eyes widened in shock, "Seriously?! How come?"

Blake sighed and set her book down before turning to face me, "my father was the High Leader of the White Fang until he stepped down three years ago. My parents left but I stayed. What about you?"

"I just got here today."

"Aren't your parents going to wonder where you went?" Blake asked.

I looked down, "No I ran away from home. I decided I wanted to help bring rights to Faunus instead of living with my father who forced me to hide who and what I am."

Blake looked confused, "doesn't your father want Faunus to be treated like equals?"

I shook my head, "trust me he's the last person who wants Faunus and humans to be equal."

Blake frowned a little at my remark but she quickly changed the subject, "so do you have an assignment yet?"

I shook my head.

"Well why don't you go see what's going on around the camp? There's bound to be something for you to do."

I smiled, "I will. Thanks Blake."

I pushed open the tent flaps again and started walking around watching the various Faunus as I did so. I saw two engaged in a practice duel and the fighter on the left swung what appeared to be a mace at his opponent depleting their aura. I also saw a group sitting around in a circle arguing about something. With my eyes on everything around me I didn't realize that I had knocked into someone.

"Watch it!" The voice yelled.

"Oh I'm sorry," I said, "I have a bad habit of knocking into people."

"Then you're very cluzzzzzzty aren't you?" The voice said.

I scowled and looked up to see a girl wearing a black t-shirt and leggings. She was wearing combat boots on her feet and a scorpion pendant around her neck. Her hair was neon green and her eyes shared that color. I also noticed that her pupils were elliptical like a snake.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Kahlly Callowssss," she said.

I noticed when she spoke a forked tongue flicked out of her mouth past her teeth, four of which were long, skinny, fangs.

"Are you a cobra?" I asked.


"Ok sorry," I said. I then stuck my hand out for her to shake, "I'm Jenni Opal."

Kahlly merely scoffed and I put my hand down.

"I sssssaw you with that human sssssscum," she hissed, literally.

"Roman? He's not scum he saved my life!" I said back to her narrowing my eyes as I did so.

Kahlly smirked, "Thingssssss aren't alwaysssss assss they ssssseem. Remember that. All humansssss are ssssscum."

With that she turned on her heel and walked away.

"Well she's pleasant," I said to myself, rolling my eyes. I continued to walk through the camp until I heard what sounded like drilling. I followed the sound to a steel hangar which looked to be the only solid structure in the area. Inside I found a man with bumpy skin like a reptiles hard at work on what appeared to be a drone.

"Hello?" I asked.

The man continued drilling until he threw the drill down in frustration. "I am never going to get this done in time!"

I picked the drill up off the floor, "May I see?"

The man looked at me and sighed, "Go for it kid. Maybe you'll have better luck then me."

I grabbed several more tools and turned the drill on. I started working on the machine and soon enough I was putting in the last screw and the thing whirred to life.

The man looked impressed, "kid how did you do that?"

I shrugged, "I've always loved inventing and building machines." 

The man thought for a minute then walked over to a corner before coming back to me with a wooden crate, "we could always use another tinkerer around here. But for now try to make something with this."

He handed me the crate and inside was bits of leather, copper, brass and other material scraps.

I thought for a minute as I examined the contents of the crate, "well I guess if I'm gonna be here I might as well make a way to defend myself."

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang