Chapter 17

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Jenni's POV

It had been a week since my accident and I was heading back to Atlas. I was still using the prosthetic that I had built myself but because I had limited materials when I built it when I walked I looked like I had a severe limp. I had already received several strange looks but I didn't care I only had one thought and one destination on my mind.

As I approached the main city something caught my attention. I saw a fox Faunus boy looking at me. He looked about my age maybe a year older, he had his mouth agape as he stared at me, and even from where I was standing I could tell he was blushing. Rolling my eyes I began to walk away and I noticed a dark haired boy grab one of the fox boy's ears and drag him away.

I felt like I knew the dark haired boy from somewhere but I quickly dismissed that thought from my head. I then began to head to my old home but instead of going in I went to the building next door and knocked on the door. A middle aged man opened the door. He had dark skin and thinning white hair. He was wearing a green sweater vest over a cream colored shirt, khaki pants, and brown loafers. Over his outfit he wore a white lab coat.

"Can I help you young lady?" He asked

"Hey Dr. Jappette," I said

The man's eyes widened, "Jenni is that you?"

I nodded

"Well come in my dear," He said opening the door wider.

I walked inside and looked around the house, everything was just the way I remembered it. However there was one thing that I immediately noticed was missing.

"Hey doc where's Penny?" I asked referring to his android daughter that I had helped him build.

Jappette looked down sadly, "General Ironwood visited the house not to long after you left and helped me finish her. Then he asked if he could borrow her for some kind of job. He took her to Vale and I haven't seen her since."

I frowned, "that's terrible. He knows how hard we worked on her."

Jappette ran his fingers through his hair, "Well that's something else I have to tell you. After we finished building Penny, Ironwood took credit for her saying that he and I had built her from the start."

I felt bile rise in my throat, "he can't do that." I said angrily.

"Apparently he can," Jappette said rolling his eyes. Smiling slightly he added, "but enough upsetting stuff. Tell me all about where you've been all this time."

I looked at my prosthetic leg then back at Jappette, "it's a long story. One that I don't feel inclined to share."

The doctor frowned, "oh....well if you're gonna stay then there's a guest bedroom that you can use."

"Thanks doc," I said heading up to the room.

Opening the door I quickly made my way to the bed and laid down "welcome home...." I said sadly.

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