Chapter 12

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As Roman began walking further into the woods toward the main city of Vale he felt the smile that he had been wearing for the past few hours shift into a frown.

"This isn't going as fast as I would like. There's got to be a way to get my objective done faster."

He reached into his coat for a cigar and into his pocket for his lighter. He lit the end of the cigar and watched as the smoke began to fill the air.

As he put the thing in his mouth he got the suspicion that he wasn't alone. At first he thought Jenni had followed him, that girl could sneak up on someone like nothing else. He got even more worried when he felt two arms wrap around his waist. Suddenly he stopped and smirked as he realized who it was.

"Well I was wondering when you'd get here," he said.

The person came out from behind him and revealed themselves as a small, young woman with tricolored hair and two different colored eyes. In her right hand she held a closed parasol.

Roman tried to put his arm around her but the girl moved away from him and put her hands on her hips.

"C'mon Neo," Roman said, "you're not still mad at me are you?"

Neo snacked his shoulder with her parasol and glared at him.

Roman rubbed his shoulder, "I see. Look do you think I'm enjoying this?"

Neo put her hands on her hips.

"Well I'm not," Roman said rolling his eyes, "This is torture for me. I hate acting like I'm actually interested in her. All she talks about is her stupid machines, talk about boring."

Neo rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious Neo," Roman said, "besides you know you're my girl. I would much rather spend time with you."

Neo blushed a little and smiled. Then she held her right hand out and an illusion of Jenni sparkled to life. Neo gave a twisted grin and drew her rapier from her parasol before slicing the head off the illusion's body.

Roman sighed, "look Neo I can't get rid of her yet it would draw unwanted attention if Jenni was suddenly killed. I have to wait a little to lower suspicions."

Neo raised an eyebrow.

"No I don't know how long I should wait," Roman continued, "Adam already knows what I'm up to and he hates whenever Jenni and I are together. But he also knows that he can't do anything to me if he wants support from Salem. Anyway I'm the one Salem told to kill Jenni so I can't hire someone to do it for me."

Neo gave another twisted smile.

"What do you mean I'm not supposed to kill her anymore?" He asked, "if I'm not then who is?"

Neo's smile grew wider and she got a murderous glint in her eyes.

"Oh," Roman said smirking, "now that's just unfortunate for him isn't it."

Neo smiles and then opened her parasol and spun it in the air which opened a portal. 

"Heading home?" Roman asked.

Neo nodded and Roman shook his head at the portal.

"Still don't know why Salem couldn't take five seconds to show me how to do that like she showed you."

Neo smiled and quickly kissed Roman on the lips before walking into the portal. As soon as she walked in the portal closed behind her.

As soon as she had gone Roman chuckled darkly to himself, "Well I better go give Adam the bad news."

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