Chapter 9

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So before I begin this I want to dedicate this chapter to  LillianDuncan because she helped me write this out. So thanks Lilly.

Six months later

3rd Person POV

It had been several months since Jenni had joined the White Fang. To say things had changed in her life was an understatement. She now understood why the members referred to each other as their brothers or sisters. The organization really did feel like a tight nit family. She had also gained some new friends like Blake, Ilia, and of course Roman, which led her to the one thing that she wished was different, the fact that, even though she kept telling him to stop, Roman would not stop flirting with her. The reason it bothered her so much was because it was working. No matter how much she tried to tell herself otherwise she realized that she had fallen for the ginger haired man. Now it wasn't that she was worried that he didn't feel the same way about her, she already knew he did. It wasn't the fact that there was an age difference between them, honestly she could care less. The problem was he was human, and honestly Jenni didn't know if she could trust him all the way. These thoughts had been swirling around her head since Roman had first confessed his feelings to her. She wanted to spend the weekend talking to Blake about this to see what she thought but alas she could not, because she was nowhere near home.

"Isn't this great?" Roman asked from behind her, "you and me on a mission together?"

"Yeah....great," Jenni said with less enthusiasm.

Adam had finally decided to send her on a mission and at first she was excited to finally contribute to something other then her inventions. Then Roman had to ruin everything by insisting that he went with her. Now she was anything but excited. How was she supposed to get over him when he wouldn't leave her alone?!

"Hey why are you so grumpy Jen?" He asked.

"I'm not grumpy!" She snapped, "I just don't understand why you felt the need to follow me. I can take care of myself!"

"Well somebody needs to keep you safe," Roman said wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

Jenni blushed but tried to conceal it behind her hair.

"So what are we doing exactly?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"Well we're going to Vacuo to meet up with a man named Jaspar Jared. Supposedly Adam wants him and the other Faunus in his town on our side," Roman explained.

Jenni nodded.

"So why did Adam send you out here on this little mission?" Roman then asked.

Jenni shrugged, "it was really weird. I heard from some of the other members that High Leader Khan was coming so I asked Adam if I could meet her. Then he yelled at me and said there was no way I was meeting her. Then he told me he was sending me on a mission so here I am."

"I don't understand that at all," Roman said.

"You don't understand what?" Jenni asked.

"Why Adam doesn't want you to meet her. I'm sure Sienna would love you."

Jenni sighed, "whatever, let's just keep going before it gets dark."


"Adam...." Sienna Khan said walking into his tent, "the girl isn't here."

"I told you she wasn't," Adam said.

The tiger Faunus woman walked closer to him and leaned in his face, "I was told she was here. Now where is she?!"

Adam leaned closer until they were about an inch apart, "I told you she's not here. I guess your informant cried wolf."

Sienna glared at him while he smirked, "Fine, goodbye Adam."

She left the tent and Adam breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside Sienna found Kahlly who immediately perked up.

"He'sssss lying you know," she hissed.

"Oh I'm aware," Sienna said, "I trust you and that....ahem....companion of yours more then I trust Adam. So do you know where she is?"

Kahlly shook her head, "that I don't."

Sienna growled, "What about your little friend. Where's he?"

Kahlly shrugged, "he'sssss gone too."

"Why do you work with him?" Sienna asked, "he's-"

"-human I know," Kahlly finished for her, "and assssss to why I work with him, he'ssssss good for intimidation. Adam knowsssss better then to defy usssss and it's all thanksssss to my friend."

Sienna rolled her eyes, "so you got Adam on your side through intimidation? I thought the boy was better then that."

Kahlly smirked, "when my misssstressss is done with him he'll be dissssscarded. What we really want isssss you ma'am."

"I know," Sienna said, "and I told you before I can work for your mistress I need something in return."

"You want Jenni Opal dead I know."

The high leader nodded and turned to leave, "oh and one more thing Kahlly. That branch leader position you wanted? It's yours."

Kahlly smiles widely, "thank you missss."

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