Chapter 11

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The next evening Roman and Jenni returned to the White Fang camp hand in hand. Walking behind them was Jaspar, Isme, and a few others. Together they walked to Adam's tent where the said man was waiting for them outside. Needless to say he was less then ecstatic to see Roman and Jenni together.

"What is this?!" He exclaimed gesturing to the two of them.

"Isn't it great?" Roman asked, "Jenni and I are a couple now."

"I didn't say you two could date," Adam said.

"Who says we need your permission?" Jenni asked surprising the bull Faunus man with her sudden bout of confidence.

Adam opened his mouth to argue when Jaspar spoke up, "Adam please can we start this meeting now? I didn't come here just to see you argue with these two."

Adam sighed and let Jaspar and his companions into his tent before following them in himself.

As soon as he had gone Roman leaned down and kissed Jenni's cheek and wrapped his arms around her.

Jenni blushed and playfully tried to bat him away.

"Hey quit it," she giggled.

"Jenni?" Blake asked from behind her.

"Oh hey Blake," said Jenni.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Blake asked.


She followed Blake into their shared tent and once they were inside Blake shut the flaps behind them.

"You don't know what you're getting into," Blake said.

"What do you mean?" Jenni asked.

"Roman...I don't trust him."

"You just don't like him," Jenni said.

"That's not true!" The cat Faunus retorted.

Jenni crossed her arms and gave her a look.

"Ok you're right I don't like him," Blake said, "there's something about him that unnerves me but I'm not sure what."

"Oh so you're allowed to have a boyfriend and I'm not?!"

"I didn't say that," Blake said, "besides you told me that you would never trust a human but now all of a sudden you're willing to trust one that speaks a few sweet words to you?!"

"Blake I told you that one of my best friends is a human so I don't see anything wrong with having another human friend."

"This is completely different," Blake yelled.

"Well you're being a hypocrite!"

"Well you're being naive!" Blake yelled, "you don't know what he could do to you!"

"He may do nothing Blake have you ever considered that?!"

Blake scowled and they heard the tent flaps open behind them.

"What are you ladies talking about?" Roman asked.

Jenni looked back at Blake and then at Roman,  "we weren't talking about anything."

She grabbed his hand and went outside.

"So I'm about to head out," Roman said kissing her.

Jenni giggled and kissed him back.

"I'll see you later my little jewel," he said.

"Little jewel?" Jenni asked.

"Well yeah your last name is Opal and an opal is a jewel. So you're my little jewel."

Jenni rolled her eyes, "you're a dork."

Roman smirked, "maybe so but I'm your dork."

Jenni smiled, "yes you are."

She then waved goodbye to him, "I'll see you later."

Roman waved back and walked away and Jenni walked back into her tent.

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