Chapter 10

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Jaspar Jared belongs to LillianDuncan

Night had fallen and Jenni and Roman still hadn't reached their destination.

"How long do you think it will be until we get there?" Jenni asked.

"Hard to say," Roman admitted, "but I would say we must close."

Jenni nodded, "I hope we can get Jaspar to agree to work for Adam."

Roman nodded and they continued on their way.

As they walked they suddenly heard a loud growling sound.

"W-what's that?!" Jenni stammered.

"You're the one with the night vision!" Roman exclaimed, "you tell me!"

"Oh right," Jenni said sheepishly.

She peered into the inky blackness and suddenly she saw a large black shape with glowing red eyes.

"Roman-" Jenni was about to say when suddenly the thing jumped in front them.

"Well that's a big Ursa," Jenni remarked, pushing her sleeves up revealing her copper armlets. She pushed a button in the palms of her leather gloves letting her arm blades out of the armlets.

"At least it's only one," she said.

No sooner had she said that when two more Ursa joined the fray.

Roman glared at her, "just had to say something didn't you?!"

Jenni groaned, "just shut up and fight!"

Jenni tried to slash at the advancing Grimm while at the same time trying to make sure Roman didn't need her help. She at least felt a little better when she heard the telltale sounds of gunfire from Roman's cane. 

Unfortunately she was beginning to realize that she should've put more effort into aura training. She couldn't stay focused long enough to keep her aura active and fight at the same time and the few times she could she knew her aura wasn't strong enough to protect her from serious injuries. Her theory was proven correct when one of the Ursa got a lucky shot on her when her aura was down. The monster slashed deep into her right side just above her hip and Jenni fell to the ground. She felt red hot pain racing through her body and she could feel blood running down her side onto the ground. The Ursa raised its paw to bring down the killing blow but a shot from Roman killed it. It fell to the ground and the body began smoking.

Jenni tried to sit up but she immediately went crossed eyed from the pain and she flopped into Roman's arms. The man stood up and held her in his arms,

"We'll get you some help ok Jenni? Just try and hang on."

Jenni nodded and as Roman carried her she felt herself slip into unconsciousness.


Jenni didn't know how long she'd been out but when she woke up she found herself in a bed in a small room.

"What? Where am I?" She asked aloud.

"Oh good you're awake. You sure gave us a scare sunshine," said a voice from next to her.

Jenni turned to face a young woman with red hair and yellow eyes and Jenni noticed she had bird wings on her back. Except these wings appeared to be on fire.

"Who are you?" Jenni asked.

"The name's Isme," the woman said smiling, "the fella that brought you here said you'd been attacked by an Ursa but don't worry I fixed you up."

Jenni looked at her side and noticed that it looked completely fine, no bandages, no scars, no stitches, nothing. It was as if she had never been hurt at all.

"How did you do that?" She asked.

"It's a part of my Faunus traits," said Isme, "you see I'm a Phoenix Faunus."

Jenni looked at her in disbelief, "I didn't know those existed."

"Well," said Isme, pulling on her cloak to cover her wings, "I'm the last of our kind. Now don't go telling anyone about me ok sunshine?"

Jenni nodded slowly.

Isme looked up as the door opened, "Hey boss, she's all good to go."

Jenni sat up and saw Roman standing next to man that looked slightly older then him. The man had red eyes and black hair and Jenni could see small skinny fangs in his mouth.

"Jenni this is Jaspar Jared," Roman said, "and good news. He agreed to come with us to meet Adam."

"He did?" Jenni asked.

Roman nodded while Jaspar turned to look at Isme, "Come Isme. I want to take some of the others with us. Round them up for me will you?"

Isme smiled, "you got it boss."

As soon as she left Jaspar turned to Roman, "I'll be ready to leave tomorrow."

Roman smiled and the cobra Faunus man left the room.

"Well that was easy," Jenni said.

Roman suddenly grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug, "don't scare me like that! I don't know what I would do if you'd been really hurt."

Jenni felt her face heat up and she tried to wriggle out of Roman's tight grip.

"C'mon you're not even gonna let me hug you?" He asked.

"It's not that," she said looking at the ground.

"Then what is it?" he asked.

"I don't know...."

"Don't know what?"

Jenni blushed heavily, "I like you ok. Like I like-like you."

Roman smirked, "like-like huh? Why didn't you say something?"

"I was scared. I didn't know if I could trust you."

Roman put an arm around her, "of course you can. Please will you give me a chance Jenni?"

Jenni smiled and nodded slowly.

Roman placed his hand on her cheek and leaned in and kissed her lips. Jenni kissed him back and leaned into his embrace.

When they pulled away Roman grabbed her hand, "Jenni Opal, my girlfriend. I like the sound of that."

Jenni blushed, "so do I."

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