Chapter 15

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What? Can it be? Did I actually get a chapter out in a timely fashion? Answer: yes. I wanted to go ahead and post this chapter because...well let's just say that next chapter is gonna be a rollercoaster ride. Also you may have noticed my new cover. Well that beautiful thing was done by Manimatsu thanks again Mani it looks wonderful! With all that said let's start this chapter.

Jenni's POV

"Hello sweetheart."

I turned around and saw Roman and he smiled at me and I blushed and he reached over and wiped a black grease smudge off my cheek.

"Hey Roman,"

I said blushing a bit more.

"Hey how would you like to sneak out and watch the pathetic people live out their mediocre lives?"

"I'd love to but I have to finish my machine. They're vital to the White Fang."

I said.

"You know Jenni I love how smart you are,"

Roman said pulling me in so he could kiss me.

I pushed him off of me and blushed.

"Roman not right now."

Roman ignored me and kissed me anyway.

"Why don't we take our lunch break early?"

"It can wait."

I said tapping him on the nose.

"Oh Jenni you don't know how to have fun."

"And you have no work ethic,"

I said rolling my eyes.

"What's with the eye roll?"

"Nothing I just wish that you would grow a brain so I would have an intelligent equal that I am not embarrassed to say that I have physical contact with,"

I said.

"Let's make physical contact right now,"

Roman said once again trying to kiss me.

"Nope not right now,"

I said pressing my index finger against his lips.

Then I went back to my invention and Roman took one of my screwdrivers.

"Roman I need that."

"You'll have to fight me to get it,"

He said holding the screwdriver to where it was just barely out of my reach.

"You're like a toddler. You always have to be entertained every five seconds."

I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm a twenty three year old man thank you very much."

He said smirking.

"Then act like it,"

I said giving him a smirk of my own.

"Whatever Jenni you know you love me."

"Not at the moment."

I said.

Roman put his hand on his heart and pretended to look shocked.

I rolled my eyes and he looked at me and placed his hand on my cheek and I leaned in to kiss him when I heard the door to the warehouse slam open.


Adam yelled.

Hearing him yell like that nearly made me jump out of my skin.

"C'mon Adam don't ruin my fun,"

Roman said.

"Roman stop being so childish,"

Adam said grabbing me by the arm and practically dragging me across the camp to his tent.

"Adam is this really necessary?"

I asked.

"Do you know where Blake went?!"

He yelled.

I took a deep breath

"What are you talking about Adam? Blake went with you on your mission."

"No she ran away from me! Did you know that she would do this?!"


I lied.

Adam glared at me through his mask and turned around and sighed. When he spoke again his voice almost sounded broken.

"Well leaving was her mistake and if you dare leave without my permission it will be the biggest mistake of your life. Understood?"


I said leaving the tent.

As soon as I walked out I groaned and rubbed my hand over my face.

"What was that about?"

Roman asked when I returned to the warehouse.

"Oh Adam's just mad that Blake ran away."

I explained.

"Miss Kitty Cat?"

He asked.

I nodded.

"Any idea why she left?"

Roman asked.

"She said she was tired of the White Fang hurting people."

I said.

Roman nodded

"I understand that. I don't like hurting people either."

"Roman you steal from people."

I said dryly.

Roman shrugged.

"True but that doesn't mean I like hurting people. There's just something inhumane about doing something like that."

"I don't like hurting people either."

I said.

"Well then why don't you leave too?"

Roman asked

"I-i don't want to. I'm happy. I have a job..."

"And I'm here."

Roman finished for me.

I blushed heavily.

"Jen if that's all that's keeping you here then I'll go with you. You can find someone else to work for."

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

I asked in surprise.

Roman nodded

"You know I even know someone that could get us into Haven Academy in Mistral so you could stay there until you find someone to work for."

I smiled widely and hugged him tightly

"You're the best Roman!"

"Oh I know,"

Roman said returning my hug.

"How about this. I can get everything ready in three days. Is that enough time for you?"

I nodded before I kissed him

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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