Detestable Girl, but I require Tea

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*David Attenborough voice*
Today we will be observing your common Brit. Here she comes now, walking round from the corner shop in the cold dead of night. It is clear that she is unaware that she is being observed based on her appearance. Her hair, in a messy bun, but not the stylish kind of messy bun. Her face falling and she yawns often. As she steps under the street lamps we can see the bags under her eyes. What strikes us most about this young British woman is her clothing. Pyjamas. Baggy joggers and an over worn shirt with a stain on the collar. Pulled around her is a jacket that doesn't look to be hers.

So why, you might ask, would she be out in public? Well look closely at the young woman and you will notice a box tucked under her arm.
It appears to be, why yes it is! PG Tips Teabags!

Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen, the common Brit, a creature that one would expect to put some level of effort into ones appearance is seen at her lowest in public, for her need of tea.

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