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You're trying to get yourself a drink but you can't find a glass.
You can't take everything going wrong.
You're body shuts down.
You fall to the floor.
You stare at whatever is in front of you but nothing is there but shapes.
You try to cry out for help.
You do not have a voice.
You can't hear the voices in your head.
Your family come to help you but you can't move.
You feel tears trickle down your face.
You beg and wish and pray to just be able to move.
You can't move.

Hours pass.
You begin to shake.
You curl into a ball and you sob, loudly. 
You're still not in control.
You can move now.

You can't talk.

You can't cry.

You can't scream.

I'm so very sorry, I can't save you.

A cry for helpWhere stories live. Discover now