
378 22 41

MM : David, Tzipora, Kiara, And Markelle


"Zip." Kelle said as I answered his call.


"Well, my friend and his girlfriend wanted to double date...is that okay? I can tell them to hold up until another t-"

"Yes it's fine Kelle."

"Okay." He giggled.

I hung up and started to get ready for the date. "Girl why does he never FaceTime you?" Winter asked.

"I don't know...probably nervous."


"Okay, so I need you to feed Fifi, walk her, and take her to the groomers while I'm gone. Can you do that this time?" I placed my hand on my hip.


"Okay. You better." I said as I got ready to get into the shower.


"Hey." I smiled as I opened the door. "Hey, you ready?" Markelle asked.


"Alrighty then." He smiled as he grabbed my hand.

"Oop, Oh..." He caught me off guard.

"You good?"

"Y-Yea. Gucci." I assured him.


"Alright. Let's see what Ms. Little Thing Got." Kelle's friend David says.

Markelle eyed him as I got ready to hit the golf ball and Dave's girlfriend, Kiara watched.

"Okay Okay, Zip you got a little some." He smirked as the ball rolled into the hole.

"Now let's see about you." I challenged him. Markelle gave me a funny look as Dave got ready to hit the ball.

"Damn." Dave snapped his finger as the ball rolled past the hole.

"...That's Gotta Hurt." I cringed.


"Burgers or Pizza?" Dave said. "....Pizza." I said.

Markelle thought long about it, "Yea Pizza."

"Burgers." Kiara took a piece of cotton candy as we walked through an aisle between games, rides and food stops.

"Ooo, let's play skeet-ball." I ran over to the attraction.

"Just so you can get whooped?" Kelle cocked his eyebrows at me. "So that's how you think it'll happen?" I asked as Kelle grabbed a ball.

"Yep. Damn Skippy."

"...Tuh!" I snickered as I picked up a ball.


"Yea, Yea, Whatever you just cheated." Markelle's husky voice filled the car as I kept going on about my win.

"No, I won fair and square. Don't be a sore, sore loser..." I made a pouty face.

"Are you sad that little ole me beat you?" I did a baby voice.

"Aye Man. Don't do that." He held in his laugh.


"So how was the date?" Ben asked as I passed him a basketball.

"Really fun actually." I smiled and my cheeks got warm, thinking of it.

"Oooh, okay, so, you admit it was a date. That's a start. And then you get all rosy cheeked, thinking about it... I like this." Ben seemed to be plotting.

"I mean... it was a date. So I won't say it wasn't." I shrugged.

"Okay so...is it...official?" Ben asked. "Ha. No."

"You do know he likes you a whole lot right?"

"I mean...a whole lot? I don't know about that...but I do know he's interested."

"...Puh-lease, sometimes in the locker room, he talks about how fat your ass is!"


"Okay, but every time someone says it, he agrees, and he always sees the need to put in his extra cents on it."

"Like when. Tell me a time when he did it."

"Well the other day, JJ was like, 'how long has that been the trainer?' And so I was like a nice bit of time. Then he says, '...she has a nice little shape on her."

"Mhmm." I listened attentively.

"And then Markelle was like 'Yea, If I do say so myself, her ass is pretty fat.' And I was sooo shocked." Ben laughed.

"Mmmmmph." I couldn't believe it.

And, I won't lie, I started feeling myself.

"Don't get no big head now." Ben chuckled. I rolled my eyes.


"Girl...What is it between you and Ben?" I asked Winter.

"What?" She looked confused. "Don't play stupid. Y'all are always partnering up when we hang out."


"...No way...Y'all are definitely feeling each other!" I got excited.

"He has a girlfriend...."

"They aren't on good terms..."

"Real-I mean, what happened?" She contained her excitement.

"Well, Dyl...Caught him in bed with some hoe."
We both looked at each other and started to laugh. "He's a Cheater?"

"Well yes and no. That was the first time. He said him and Dyl hadn't been very intimate..."


"Girl you better get down." I nudged her.

"Girl bye."

We both chuckled.

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