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Things were going great. I was starting to overcome PTSD, Kelle and I spent more time together, Winter and Ben got flirtier, life just got really good.

But there was one thing holding me back...You know how when...Life gets so good, you're scared it'll go bad?

I'm so afraid that everything's gonna fall apart.


"What is Kelle doing out there?" Winter made a face as he missed a free throw. "I don't know....he said it's intimidation...but I think he's having shoulder problems..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well at practice, it's like he's trying to rely on strength from his other shoulder... then I checked him out and his shoulder was a little swollen."

"Oooo." Winter cringed. "I think he needs to sit out some. And get it checked out by an actual medical expert."


"See watch how he throws the ball." I said as he received the basketball from Joel.

"Oh yea, it's like he has a limp...but in his shoulder."

"Awww Poor Markie." I pouted. "Ohhhh, she's worried about her man..." Winter smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Fultz drives in for the fast break score!" The commentator says with enthusiasm.

"And he can't get it to go!"

"Erghhhh." I groaned as the ball fell right into the hands of Bradley Beal.

Markelle looked frustrated.

Coach took him out and I saw how stressed he looked. I gave him a hopeful smile as he saw me in the crowd.


"Man, I did terrible out there...terrible." Kelle stressed as we walked. "It's fine. You'll get better."

"Get better?!?! It's the NBA. I'm supposed to already be 'better." He groaned.

"Look. I know you don't wanna accept it, but you need some out time. It's your shoulder Markelle. You can barely even lift it without showing how bad it hurts."

"Trust me. And it's no secret that you didn't perform as well as expected, so wouldn't you rather get it checked out and stop making a fool out of yourself?"

He looked at me. "...You're..."

"C'mon say it." I smirked. "...You're right..." he blushed.

"I know it."

"But I don't wanna sit back and mi-"

"You're gonna have to. And give me the keys. I'm driving."


"I'm driving. Your shoulder hurts too bad."

He rolled his eyes and placed the keys in my hand.


"So what, you're mad at me now?" I said as we got ready to pull up at his house.

"Mad at you? Never. I am irritated though..." he held his arms against his chest.

"Well you know I'm right so you might as well get out of that funk."

"I'm telling coach you need time. And besides...he can tell you're hurting too."

He sighed as we headed inside.

He sat on the couch. He was clearly worried. "You want me to stay with you?" I asked.

He hesitated before nodding. "Alright...I'm here for you." I rubbed his back.

"Let me look at your shoulder." I grabbed his hand. He followed behind as we headed up the stairs.

🖤 -markelle

I held onto Tzipora's little hand as we got into my room. "...Take Your uh...Take your shirt off." She said awkwardly. I looked at her with a smirk as I pulled my shirt off quickly.

She unintentionally bit her lip as she looked at my tattoos.

I looked down at my chest then back up at her with a smirk, biting my lip too.

"Well you gonna check me out or what?" I chuckled.

"Y-Yea, right." She chuckled awkwardly.

She sat next to me and applied pressure to my shoulder to see how swollen it was.

I looked her in the eyes as her face sat inches away from mine. I jerked at the pain from her squeezing. "Too hard?"

"It's-It's Fine."

"I'm gonna get Reese to give you a strap or something tomorrow. Until then I'm gonna wrap you up."


"I think there's some fluid."

She slowly wrapped my shoulder. She looked focused.

I sighed as she finished. "You still worried?"

"Yep. Very."

"Kelle, you've got this. You are an amazing player and hard worker. Don't let this slow you down."

"This is my Dream...and just when it starts...its ending somewhat you know?"

"If everyone's dreams worked out exactly how they wanted, Don't you think the world would be a lot more perfect?"

"....What's your dream?" I asked as she rubbed my back.

"I wanna be a doctor...or nurse...doesn't matter."

"Hmmm...Why'd you leave school?"

"Well with my condition, and no one to monitor me, it got risky to be alone for so long."

"So I just took the offer to help train."

"When I get too old, I wanna coach some kid's team... basketball of course."

I chuckled. "Well I think you can go back. You've just gotta put your mind to it."

"You really think so Markelle?" We laid there.

"Hell yea." I laughed. She rolled onto my back and rested her head on my upper back.

"Guess we've both got dreams to work up to still."

"Mhmm." I agreed. "I'm not hurting your shoulder am I?"

"Nope. And if you were, I wouldn't say anything cause I like this."

I felt her smile form against my skin. "Get some rest." She stood up. "Tzipora." I looked at her.

"Yes?" She stood in my doorway, headed downstairs. "Could you-Could you sleep with me tonight?"

"...Yeah. Sure." She came back and laid next to me.

take care. {m.f}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz