12. christmas with you

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Christmas Morning.

December 25, 2017
76ers at Knicks

um Zip, you coming to the game right? It's fine if you're not cause you know I'm not playing and all that but yea I was just asking cause- okay I'm gonna stop here cause I'm rambling... 😂😬

I sat my phone down with a sigh. I hadn't spoken to Zip In a Week. My friends told me I was overreacting but this just wasn't like her to not speak, especially since the game was coming up.



"Hey Tzipora! What Brings you here today?" Coach Brown asked as I walked into his office.

"I know I really don't work here anymore. But I haven't really spoken to Markelle so I just wanted him to know I'm still thinking of him. So I have a request."

"I'm listening." He sat his pen down, leaning forward showing that I had his full attention.

I pulled the chair in front of his desk out to sit. "...As you know. Markelle's shoulder is in perfect shape. This is a very important game...and I really think it'd be fair to play and prove to the fans and the haters that he's the same player he was in the preseason."

"...." he leaned back, thinking on it. "That-that is true. But. I reeeeally don't think it's time. However, the fans would be happy and surprised. But I don't think it's possible. I-I've got my lineups already planned Zip."

I quickly stood up and pushed the chair back in. "Fine!" I walked out of the gym, upset.

"You still have free tickets to the game Tzipora. Don't forget." Coach Brown yelled to make sure I heard.



We were warming up on the court, but I found myself constantly looking in the crowd to see if Zip was here.

I looked down, dribbling the ball, seeing that she wasn't here.

"Markelle!" Coach Brown came up to me with a serious face. "Hmm?" I looked up, startled.

"Go get your uni on. You're in for the first half." He said. "Game time buddy." He pounded my chest.

I could barely hold in my smile, running to the locker room to change.


I picked my uniform up, and a piece of paper fell.

Dear Kelle,

I couldn't make it in time for the first quarter but I'm trying my best to make it by the end of the quarter or the second. If I don't make it, don't hit the hay so soon, I'm gonna see you later today. And yes, if you're playing today, that's my Christmas gift to you. I asked Coach to put you in. Now, don't sweat this. You got This thing down pack. Have yourself a merry little Christmas on that court.

Love, Zip.

I smiled to myself putting the letter on the shelf.


"So for the starting lineup for tonight, we've got Ben Simmons, Joel, Redick, Covington, and...Markelle Fultz." The commentator says, shocked.

"Well we're gonna see what he's got. He better show his strength, or he won't hear the end of it." The other speakers laughed.



"We said he needed to prove himself, and he did just that. Rookie, Markelle Fultz showed out tonight with twenty points, three rebounds, and four assists."

"Yo, yo, how you feeling?" Shaq said as The screen divided and Markelle adjusted the speaker over his mouth.

"Um, Really good. I've been waiting to get back out there and show the world what I've got." He wiped sweat from his forehead.

"Right Right. You put in a lot of work tonight, I just wanna ask, how's your shoulder feeling?"

"There's no pain at all actually. I'm feeling really great, and I had fun out there playing my first Christmas Game."

"Aldridge told us that You actually didn't know you were playing tonight. Is that true?"

"Yea, I wasn't even in my uniform. I was just dribbling and talking to the Ref, and Coach Brown came running and he was like Go get Your Uniform, You're In. And I didn't say a word, I ran straight to the locker room and got ready." They all chuckled.

"Well, we're gonna let you go. See you next game right?"

"...Right." Kelle giggled, seeming anxious.


I knocked on Markelle's hotel room door. I just had arrived to New York.

"...Hey." He smiled, opening the door. "What'd I tell you?" I smirked.

"You, Did That." I poked his chest, smiling. "Thank you too by the way."

"Don't thank me. I owed you that. You're the reason I'm back in school."

"Oh really?" He kissed me on the forehead. "Yes, Really." I sat on his bed. "I watched the game the whole flight here."

"I was so mad I couldn't actually be there though..."

"Well at least you saw me out there." He sat down. "It would've been a crime not to see those highlight plays." I looked into his eyes.

"Oh yea, I got you this." He got up, grabbing a cute little wrapped box.

"Aw thanks..." he placed it in my hands. I opened it and it was a cute necklace with a heart pendant.

"Here, let me put it on for you." He sat down, hooking it around my neck.

"I hate I didn't get you anything." I looked up at him.

"Yeah you did. You got me a spot on the starting lineup!" He said excitedly.

"And most of all, you graced me with your presence." He kissed me on the cheek.

"...It feels good knowing you've got my back like this." He caressed my cheek. "It feels good knowing we're backing each other up." I locked my lips to his.

"You're like the Scottie Pippen to My Michael Jordan now." He chuckled, kissing me. "I kind of think it's more like...I'm the Abdul-Jabbar to your Magic Johnson." I laid on his chest.

"Oh, that's a good one."

"Maybe you can just be the Klay to My Steph?"

"Eh...I prefer the classics."

"Me too." I traced the tattoos on his chest.


Merry Christmas Guys. I was so excited to write this chapter. I haven't written a Christmas Chapter in forever. Love You all ❣️🎄 .

Btw, I'm also publishing tonight so stay tuned.

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