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"Hi Ben..." I found him, JJ, Kelle and some girl. "Hey Girlie." He hugged me. "What's up Sprinkles?" He hugged Winter and kissed her on the forehead.

"Nothing." She smiled. A smile crept on my face, seeing them happy. "...Hi Kelle." I said awkwardly. "Wassup..." He nodded. "Who's this?" I put on a fake smile. "Mackenzie. She's an intern."

Mackenzie placed her hand out to shake. I shook her hand firmly but quick.

A/N: Dick Hand

A feeling of jealousy rose in me. I started to wonder was he shooting his shot with her now that me and him were over.

"How old are you?" I asked, since she looked so young. "Eighteen." She smiled. "So what're you interning for? Trainer?"

"Well sort of. I'm kind of trying everything out so I'll know what I want to do. I think I'm aiming for reporting and interviewing."

"Sounds good. But I have to let you know, being a trainer is fun also."

"Aw Thanks...Are You Tzipora? The last trainer?"

"Yea." I chuckled. "Oh my god, you're like my role model. I heard you went back to school and I just, I'm in love with your attitude. I heard really good things about you." She spoke highly of me.

"Wow...I'm flattered." My smile became more genuine as I warmed up to her. "Are you Winter?" She asked. My eyes widened, wondering how she knew her.

"Yes....How do you know my name?"

"Ben talks about you a lot."

"Oh really?" Winter smirked at Ben. "That's enough little one. I think it's time for you to go mingle with some others." Ben grabbed her shoulder and directed her away.

We all laughed. "Girl. You need to get your man." Winter pulled me to the side. "Huh?" I looked at her crazy. "That Girl is overly nice. She is only easing her way to the top. She's hungry for success. And Markelle is on her list as a stepping stool since he's young."

"Winter...I don't think Markelle and I have a chance anymore..."

"Yes. You. Do."

"Whatever." I walked off, irritably. "Sup Zip. Long time no see." Joel came up to me. "Yea Whats Up Joel." I said in a hurry. "I'll be right back, I'm just gonna head to the ladies' room."


I quickly headed to the bathroom. I went into one of the neat, marble black stalls. I pushed my hair back, sighing to myself before I handled my business.

I washed my hands, dried them, then stood in the mirror. "Breathe." I said to myself as I calmed myself down. I fixed my hair, my lipstick and put a smile on my face.

Mackenzie walked in, heading to the sink beside mine. "You look pretty..." She looked at me in the mirror. "Thank You."


"...Do you think I look okay?" I asked. "Yea..why?"

"Just wondered." I fluffed my ponytail out. "Trying to impress someone?" She chuckled. "...Markelle." I said, acting like I didn't know their history.

Your Heart is hard to carry after dark, You're to blame for where we could've been cause look at where we are.

"...Oh." She gulped. "Yea...He's cute right?" I acted oblivious. "...Mhm." She got uncomfortable.

"He showed me around, and I think he's really nice and sweet. He's supposed to show me the other facility tonight. I think he likes me..."

"Oh.." she tried to hide it. I kept my smirk to myself because I knew exactly what I was doing. I was making sure she knew that she had no chance with him anymore.

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