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"You mean to tell me that she spent the whole night with you, and slept in the same bed with you, but you didn't smash? You didn't even get a kiss?"

"...Nah man."

"You a sad ass young nigga Kelle."

"Well maybe I want an actual relationship unlike you."

"And? At least I'm getting pussy."

"But at the end you gone be lonely as shit, so maybe you the 'sad ass young nigga."

"Oooo." Ben said as he entered the gym.

"Speaking Of Pussy, where's Tzipora?" I asked.

"Home, Sick." Ben answered after giggling.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She has a bad cold."


"Somebody misses their boo." Ben nudged me. "And you know who that somebody is?"

"His name is Markelle." Ben teased. "You know what that's not true. And you know why?"

"Why is that?" Ben smirked. "Cause Tzipora isn't my 'boo."

"Oh really? What's her contact name in your phone?"

He went to my gym bag and grabbed my phone. "Let's see....Ben, Joel, JJ, ahh! There it is! 'Baby Girl' one green heart, one eggplant emoji, and the sighing emoji." Ben scrolled.

"And just for closure, let's make sure this is Tzipora." He tapped on our messages.

"See Ya Bright And Early' you sent that, and she read it last night at nine o'clock. And using common sense, I don't think you'd be seeing anyone else bright and early...am I right?" Ben proved himself.

"Alright. Congratulations, you invaded my privacy, now put my shit up."

"Nope. I wanna hear you say, 'Ben's Right, I'm head over heels for Tzipora, and I miss her."

"You already said it."

"I wanna hear it again."

"Alright Fine...Ben's Right, I'm head over heels for Tzipora and I miss her."

"Happy now?" I eyed him.

"Yes actually. I need a standing ovation."

"Yea Yea Whatever, clap it up for Benjamin." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get smart with me cause your 'Baby girl' is sick." He put an emphasis on Babygirl.

"Wooooahhhh Rookie Love?" Coach Brown walked over. "...A common case of the rookie falling in love with the trainer." He stopped in front of me.

"Who knew it'd be Markelle." He chuckled.

"Yea, Yea real funny." I rolled my eyes. "So she's 'Babygirl' in your phone?" Coach continued to tease.

"What? I don't-I don't know what you're talking about." I tried to act oblivious as I got ready to practice.

"Well I'll leave you alone. And Markelle, I think you need to rest your shoulder some." He smacked the basketball out of my hands.

"So what? Now I can't even practice?"

"No! You've got fluid in there." Coach Brown furrowed his eyebrows. "Alright. Alright." I grabbed my bag.

"Yea Alright, Go run to 'Baby Girl." He snickered. I threw up the middle finger as I exited the gym.


"How you feeling?" I said as Tzipora answered my FaceTime call.

"Better. Why're you home so soon?" She propped up on her elbow.

"Coach sent me home. Cause SOMEONE had to tell him about my shoulder."

"Not my fault I care." She shrugged. "Mmm. I guess so. Where's Winter?"

"She went to work."

"Oh okay....Can I...come visit?"

"Sure. You asked as if Winter's my mom." She giggled. "Oh nah, it's just she always tries to make an awkward moment."

"True, True."

"Alright I'll be there in like an hour, I gotta shower real quick."

"Okay see you then."

"Peace." I hung up.


"You hungry?" I sat on her couch. "Ummm. Yea."

"I got you a sandwich."

"Kelle. You a real ass nigga for this."

I chuckled. "Well I was hungry so I stopped."

"I heard you like these philly cheese steak sandwiches." She bit into it. "Yea, especially since I'm here in philly now."

"This is soooo good." She ate. "So...What's up with Ben and Winter?"

"Well, You know Ben and Dyl aren't on good terms...And so they been getting real flirty when Ben comes around now."

"We should start making it awkward for them."

"Knowing them, it wouldn't phase them at all."

"True that."

"So how long you-"

I burped. "Your breath smells just like this sandwich." She giggled.

"Lemme hear yours."

"Wait." She drank some soda.

She burped loudly. "Damn. Ian expect that from you." I chuckled. "But you can't get this loud." I burped even louder.

We both chuckled.

She grabbed my shoulder. "Let me see how swollen it is now." She rolled my sleeve up.

"Damn Kels, you need to stop straining it, your shoulder is so red." She rubbed her finger over it.

"I know this hurts." She felt how swollen it was. "Hold on." She headed upstairs.

She came back quickly with a towel and peroxide.

She put the wet towel on my shoulder. She put a little bit of peroxide and kept the towel on my shoulder.

"Awww Look at You Taking Care Of the kid."

She smirked, looking up at me as she took the towel off. "That's my job isn't it?"

"You know you like this." I looked at her.

"Maybe I just like gettin paid." She licked her lips.

"Nah I think you like more than that." I said boldly.

"Whatchu tryna say?" She raised her eyebrows. "I think you like someone."

"And who might that be?"

"Somebody named Markelle."

"Oohhh whats his last name, you might be on to something." She chuckled. "Fultz." My cheeks turned red.

"Aw. I don't know. How're you so sure about that?" She looked me in the eyes.

"Cause...." I leaned in and kissed her. I pulled away and looked her in her eyes before I leaned back in to kiss her more.

"Look at you...Blushing and shiiii. I knew you liked me." I kissed her again.

Winter opened the door and dropped her keys. "See I knew you liked my best friend." She smirked.

I dropped my head, blushing. "Yea, You was right. I think I was too." I looked at Zip smirking.

"Your best friend likes me back." I focused back on Winter.

"Well aren't you guys just as cute as can be." She headed upstairs.

Me and Tzipora looked at each other, giggling.

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