Ch.3/It's Your Fault

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Jungkook POV

"Do you know where she is?"

"No, she left about an hour ago. I'm sorry."

I walked out of the bakery.

Where are you Y/N?

I walked down the street to see if maybe I could catch up to her or if she was around.

She was no where in sight.

It was really dark.

I walked down the slick road searching for Y/N 

"Y/N!" I shouted. 

Stepping closer to a lamp post I spotted a girl that had a large jacket. 


It was Y/N. 

I walked closer to her as she slowly faced me. 

"I told you I was going to pick you up after your shift." 

She said nothing. 

I noticed she kept looking the opposite direction. 


Jungkook insisted on walking you home. 

You walked home with Jungkook by your side. 

You weren't paying much attention to Jungkook's  presence, you were thinking about the mysterious guy. 

While you were thinking about who this mysterious guy was, Jungkook was thinking of you on the other hand. 

He thought of you for most of his day. It was like being addicted to something and when Jungkook tried to focus, his mind would go right back to you. 

But you  didn't know that because your mind was set on other things. 

You never had the time to notice how much Jungkook cared about you or tried to protect you. 

After quite a long walk, Jungkook had finally walked you home. 

"I'll see you Monday Jungkook." you said slightly in a rush to get inside.

Jungkook didn't want to leave your side. 

As you stepped away from Jungkook and onto the porch of you small home Jungkook pulled your wrist causing your body to land on his chest. 

He pulled you close to him. 

"Y/N" He said softly while gazing into your eyes. 

You looked up at him. 

He starred at you for a moment.  

Why is it so hard to resist you Y/N? Jungkook thought to him self. 

You could feel his heart beating and his warm breath hitting you. 

He starred at you with seductive eyes. 

You immediately looked down. 

He let go of you and said nothing. 

He wanted to tell you what he truly felt for you but he was afraid of being rejected. 

He smiled at you and slowly walked away. 


You rushed into class. 

You were late again. 

"Miss Y/N! Your late AGAIN?!" she barked. 

"Detention!" she said as you sat in your seat. 

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