
440 54 23

It was strange, agreeing to be with Jungkook now.

I still think about Taehyung and I know that it wouldn't be fair leaving him at that business where he doesn't belong.

If I could only come up with a quick plan.

But my mind was blank.

It was also empty.

And I was Hungry.


-Taehyung POV-

"Today Taehyung, Will be your first day transferring the money from our account."

"Isn't this illegal?"

"No one will find out of course."

I was lead to the office room with a laptop and a desk.

"Now go on ahead, we have set everything up for you. All you have to do is transfer the money from the bank accounts we assigned you to and transfer the money to our account."

I nodded my head as I sat in the chair that was close to the laptop.

"Now, we will see you in a couple hours."

With that the masked man left me alone in a large office room and a laptop.

I starred at the screen.

What else could I honestly do?

I thought of Y/N every day and I couldn't contact her.

The office room was quite large.

It seemed to be like an old meeting room.

There were still file cabinets pushed against a corner.

I starred back at the laptop then back at the file cabinets.

I stood up from my chair and strolled over to the file cabinets.

I opened one slowly.


Another one, Nothing.

A third one, Nothing.

Maybe this last one? Nothing.

I strolled over to the other file cabinet.


They all seemed to be documents .

Abandoned documents?

I ran my fingers through the stack of documents.

Tax Bills, Old flyers, More Bills, A signed agreement, -

A signed agreement?

I took another glance.

I place the useless files back into the cabinet and stuffed the signed agreement into my pocket.



I sat Jungkook down on one of the wooden stools that was near the window.

"Jungkook, we need to get Taehyung out of there. I already made that deal with you, so the least you could do is help me come up with a plan."

Jungkook signed.

"We can worry about that later-"

"Jungkook! I made a deal with you! I'm keeping my part of the deal so you keep up with yours!" I shouted.

He rolled his eyes.

"Why do you want to save him if you already have me?"

"It's not fair, he doesn't deserve to work for that man for something his father did."

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