Ch.8/The Night.

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"Taehyung, What are you doing?" 

Taehyung paused. 

He was a little shocked at how you managed to creep up behind him. 

He slowly faced you with the glass frame and photo in his hands. 

"I-I was just looking at this photo, I believe it's yours?" 

You starred at the photo in his hands and saw your family. 

You sighed at seeing your father in the photo. 

It caused a lump in your throat.

You gently placed both of your hands onto the glass frame. 

Taehyung starred at you as you did so. 

You were still starring at your fathers smile in the photo. 

You missed him. 

You remembered the night  that you visited his grave. 

You remembered the candle you saw glowing in mid air. 

You still wondered who was at the same graveyard as you with a candle. 

As you starred at the glass frame you hadn't noticed that your fingertips were pressing against Taehyung's large hands. 

He was still holding the frame. 

You followed your fingers and saw Taehyung starring directly at you. 

He noticed that you had finally noticed what was going on and slightly blushed. 

His cheeks becoming the slightest of pink. 

Before you knew it you caught yourself blushing too.

Your cheeks blushed a light pink as well.

You questioned why you were blushing. 

Taehyung noticed that you were blushing as well and immediately let go of the photo which fell onto your hands. 

Taehyung laughed awkwardly.  

You thanked him for returning the photo and walked off to your bedroom.


Honey, Are you sure were going the right way? 

Yes, I know the way home. 

It's dark lets's be careful. 

Dear, Your going a little too fast. Slow down. 

Father I see- 

Not now Y/N. 

Dear! Slow down! 

I'm trying! The car  won't slow down! 

Father! There is- 





You jolted up from the covers.

"FATHER!" You shouted. 

You had yet once again had a dream about the accident.

You held the covers close to your chest and felt warm tears burst from your eyes. 

You cried loudly and realized the door was slightly opened. 

You were shaking from how afraid you were from the dream you just had and clenched the covers tighter against you chest. 

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