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You laid on your soft bed.

You noticed you were alone.

Laying onto your bed alone.

No Taehyung Next to you.

You felt the other empty side of the bed.

You just had to get used to it now. Is what you thought.

You had to imagine a life without Taehyung.

He was as well as gone now and you really had no clue on how you were going to get him back.


I know that It has only been a couple hours since I haven't seen Taehyung but it already feels like so long.

How could I miss him so much?

I would have to get used to waking up alone now just like it was before I met Taehyung.

I would have to get used to being alone in general.

All over again.

Before I had no one.

I mean I had Jisoo and the others.

I had Jungkook before once in a while but even so, I still felt alone.

Maybe because my mother was't acting like a proper mother at the time.

Maybe I just missed my father so much.

As I kept rambling on about my thoughts, the door opened slightly and I saw Jungkook pop his head in.

"Can I come in?" Jungkook said with a soft smile.

I shrugged as I laid on my stomach with my face dug into my pillow.

Jungkook entered anyways and laid on the empty spot in which Taehyung used to lay in.

I looked up slightly from my pillow.

Jungkook moved my hair out of my face.

We only seemed to stare at each other with no words coming out of our mouths.

I let my head fall back into the pillow but I stayed facing Jungkook.

But even as I was staring at Jungkook my mind, my thoughts, would still rush back to Taehyung.

Is that what happens when you like someone so dearly?

You never stop thinking about them not even for a second?

And even if you distract yourself with other things, even so you would still have the thought of them at the back of your head.

The reality of me not mattering to Taehyung anymore breaks me more than anyone could ever imagine.

Why did he let go so easily when I can't?

I had to get my mind off Taehyung.

He no longer cared for me and I should do the same.

"Let's go out for a drink."


Jungkook took me to a bar that was downtown.

As we sat near the bar tender, I wasn't exactly sure what to order.

I had never been to a bar before.

"Two shots of Devil Springs Vodka please!" Jungkook shouted to the bar tender who was pouring another drink to what seemed like an almost drunk customer.

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