Ch.6 /Peck on the cheek

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"Don't Hurt Him, He's been through a lot." 


Your eyes widened. 

"Kim Taehyung" Mr. Eun repeated. 

You took a deep breath and gagged inside. 

You saw Taehyung step out from his seat and slowly walk to the stage. 

He was well dressed. 

He had a simple blue plaid shirt and dark pants. 

He was still wearing his nerdy looking glasses but you still gagged inside that you were forced to marry the nerd of the school. 

As you heard his heavy foot steps hit against the stage you gave a glance at jisoo. 

She gave you an awkward smile. 

Jungkook was starring directly at you with a shocked look on his face that you couldn't quite make out. 

You took a look next to you and saw Taehyung slowly creep up by you. 

He stood awkwardly next to you as he pushed his glasses up slightly.

Mr. Eun handed him a white packet that was lettered Send Off . 

Taehyung glanced at you as he held the packet in his hands. 

Mr. Eun handed him a pen and Taehyung drew his name onto the packet then gently handed it to you. 

Before signing it you glanced up at the audience again and saw Jungkook gave you a look. 

Please Y/N, don't sign it. His look said. 

You sighed and placed the tip of the pen onto the packet. 

As you scribbled your name. 

After everyone had been forced to marriage there was an after meet up for Seniors and families to see who Seniors were getting married to. 

You slowly stepped out of the auditorium and into the large lobby, you saw families gathering around there kids and congratulating there children for who they were going to marry.

You glanced back and forth and saw no one related to you, nor could you find your friends. 

After taking a few steps forward you were pulled back.

You turned around to see Taehyung holding your wrist. 

"Sorry, My family wants to meet you." he said shyly letting go of your wrist. 

Before taking off with Taehyung you took one last glance at everyone, After seeing no one familiar you walked off with Taehyung.

You were both quiet when walking but you had one question to ask. 

"Did You know about send off?" you asked looking up at Taehyung. 

He shook his head, " No one knew, That's why it was mandatory to come." he said softly.

"I didn't want to be married to you." you said without even thinking. 

He sighed. 

"I didn't want to get married with you either." he said. 

You rolled your eyes. 

Taehyung knew that you had his jacket and he knew that sometimes you would think about who saved you that night and who gave you the jacket, He didn't want you to find out that it was him who did all those things so he tried to play it off as if he was just a normal nerd that was just forced into marriage with you. 

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