Ch.14/Masked Man

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I held Taehyung's hand as we both walked back home. 

The photo of him he had given me was in my pocket. 

I was positive that I was going to keep it with me at all times. 

As we kept walking along the icy sidewalk, I felt my phone Vibrate in my pocket. 

Taehyung and I stopped. 

I glanced up at Taehyung. 

"Walk ahead, let me take this." I said calmly. 

He nodded. 

He let go of my hand and walked off slowly.

He looked back a few times. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket once Taehyung was far enough. 

[You have received one 1 message from: Jungkook

I starred at my phone blinking twice. 

Jungkook? I thought.

I opened the message on my phone confused. 

Why is he texting me now?

I had told Jungkook to leave me alone. 

[Y/N, Can you meet me right now? At the park? It's Urgent.] 

I read the text out loud. 

I was not going to meet Jungkook. 

I decided not to. 

But then he sent me another text that changed my mind. 

[Y/N, It's Urgent. It's about Taehyung. He's in danger. I can help.]

I placed my phone back in my pocket.

I didn't think twice. 

I ran to the park and stood by the fountain. 

I saw no one. 

The park was empty. 

No one was there. 

There was no sign of Jungkook. 

It was dark already and I couldn't see much. 

Before I could go search for Jungkook I felt as if a needle was shot into my arm. 

I glanced behind me. 

As I glanced behind me I felt dizzy. 


Taehyung POV

I waited for Y/N. 

She was taking quite a while for just answering a simple phone call. 

I starred out the window nervously. 

I sighed. 

"Where are you Y/N?" I said nervously. 

I walked back and forth thinking the worst. 

"Aish! Why did I leave her alone? I should have stayed with her!" I said out loud. 

As I walked back and forth in the house my phone began to ring. 

I starred at it from afar. 

I rushed over it hoping it was Y/N. 

I had not took a glance at the caller ID. 

I immediately answered. 

"Y/N! Where are you?" I shouted. 

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