Ch.17/ I want You.

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I opened my eyes seeing Jungkook on top of me.

"What's wrong Y/N?" he asked 

I furrowed my eyebrows giving him a serious face. 

"What are you doing on top of me?" I asked sternly. 

"W-What do you mean? I'm your husband." 

I forced him off of me. 

"What were you doing on top of me Jungkook?!" I shouted. 

Jungkook's eyes widened.

"You're not drunk?" He said awkwardly scratching his neck. 

I swore that a few minutes ago I had see Taehyung. 

"W-Where did Taehyung go?" I asked worried. 

"H-He left." Jungkook stuttered. 


-Taehyung POV-

I walked up stairs and laid on the some what comfortable bed the masked an had offered me, Along with this room. 

My thoughts of Y/N were hitting me every second and just imagining her with Jungkook made me want to jump out the window and stop this nonsense. 

What if he was treating her badly? 

I wouldn't be able to help her. 

The masked man had taken my phone so I could no longer contact anyone. 

But there was a public phone just down the street that I remember seeing as he drove me over here. 

Maybe if I could reach it, I could call father and tell him to take care of Y/N. 

I dashed to the door and turned the door knob. 

"Locked." I said with a sigh.

The door was locked.

The locked the door from the outside of the room and not from the inside. 

They were the only ones who could open the door. 

I walked over to the bed. 

There, was a phone. 

I immediately reached for it. 

I dialed my fathers number quickly hoping he would pick up.

Sorry, the number you are trying to dial is not near this area. Please try again later. 

I slammed the phone back onto the counter. 

The masked man and his team were operating this phone.

I would't be able to call anyone if I dreamed of it. 



"Jungkook! I'm telling you we need to get Taehyung out of there!"

"Y/N, I-" 

I starred at Jungkook, I knew he could get  Taehyung out of that business. 

But Jungkook wasn't budging. 

Even though Taehyung had told me he no longer had feelings for me, I still wanted to save him. 

It was not fair that he had to work for someone he didn't want to work with and all I wanted to do was help. 

"Jungkook, I know you can get him out of it! Stop saying you can't!" I shouted. 

Jungkook rose up from the bed and stepped closer to me. 

"Why do you want that guy to come back? I'm here now. You don't need him." Jungkook said with a serious tone. 

"It's not fair that he has to work for that guy! What if he's making him do illegal work?! Taehyung could go to jail!" 

As I kept throwing countless reasons at Jungkook he seemed to be stepping closer and closer to me every time and I stepped farther and farther every time. Eventually my back hit the wall. 

"Jungkook you have to help me save Taehyung. I can't do this alone. I know he no longer has feeling for me, but I still care about him and I want to at least help him get out of there so he could be happy." I said sheepishly as cornered me. 

He ran his fingers down my neck and chuckled as he did.

"But what will I get out of it?" He whispered as he stroked me hair. 

"W-What do you mean? Can't you just help me?" I said sternly. 

"I want something in return if you want me to help you." He said as he pulled you close. 

You pulled away from his arms. 

"What do you want?" 



"I want you Y/N." 

I thought for a moment. 

If I agree to be Jungkook's it wouldn't matter. 

I Taehyung no longer has feelings for me, so what have I really got to loose? 

I will simply just be with Jungkook from now on but I will help Taehyung get out of there. 

"I'll do it!" I said. 

Jungkook smirked. 

"I knew you'd take my offer." He said as he stepped closer to you again. 

You pushed him slightly. 

"We have to make some plan to get Taehyung out of there."

Jungkook scoffed. 

"Let's save that for another day. Let's-" You cut him off. 

"Where did the masked man take Taehyung?" 

"A building by the name of Masked Corporations. That's where all of his workers are including Taehyung." 

-End of Ch.17- 

Thank you for reading! I hit 600 reads a couple days ago and I want to thank you all for supporting my book! Really! It means alot to me! Thank you!💖💖

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