Chapter 4🌸

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Minhye POV

The next day, i went up to him and gave him back his sweater. "Thanks" i said and he nodded. He took the sweater and looked at me. I looked back and he just smile slightly like nothing happen yesterday. It was getting awkward so i decide to leave to my own seat.

Jungri didn't attend to school today. I don't know why but i hope she's fine. Yesterday, she was okay. Talking to Jimin on the phone, laughing and what so ever. No signs of something bad happen.

The class started normally but i felt empty. Without Jungri, i felt like i was lonely. She was my only friend. The others envy me or hate me for some reason. I once heard that they were saying that i was acting all nice in front of the boys and make them fall for me. But it's not true. It was my natural self. I can't be someone who i'm not. Besides, Jungri is with me. She got my back and always will. I hope she won't leave me.

During lunch time, i decide to go to the tree because i don't feeling like eating at all. Even tho i was hungry. No appetite, i guess. I sighed at the fact that today was the most boring day ever.

I slowly closed my eyes and enjoy the sounds of nature. The breeze of wind. The blue sky and white fluffy clouds. Out of blue, my phone buzzed. I got a text from Jungri.

Hey! Sorry that i couldn't make it to school. I have some problems that i need to settle with my family. I hope you are fine. And please..find some more friends. You look pathetic when ever you are alone with out me. Bye~!

I chuckled at her messages. 'Find some more friends'? How am i supposed to do that? No body likes me. I brought my knees up to my chest and hug them. I buried my face between my knees and my chest. My forehead was on my knees and my hair was covering my face as they slowly fell down.

"What did i ever do wrong? Should i really change to have more friends? But i already have one. Jungri.." i started to mumbled out to myself.

"You don't need to" a familiar voice said. My eyes began to widened. I quickly lift my head up. It was him. Jungkook.

"What..are you doing here?" i asked. I stood up and looked at him. How did he grew so tall? When we were in middle school, he was so short. Like, shorter than me. What did he ate anyways?

"I was passing by and saw you. I heard you mumbling something." my face became red as the thought of him hearing my stupid mumbles appeared in my head.

"You were eavesdropping? You can't do that!" i began to raise my voice abit. His face shows no reaction. Where did the sweet and shy Jungkook  i know?

"Yes. Like i said, you don't need to be someone else to have more friends." he repeated his sentences but adding a bit more words.

" change!" i said. He looked away with a frown and covering his mouth with his palm. He then, looked back at me.

"I change..for some reason that you don't have to know.." he said again showing no emotion.

"I have my own reason to change to!"

"What? Friends? Listen.." before he continued his sentences, i cut him off.

"No one likes me..because of who i am. They said i was pretending to be nice, cute and all only to make the boys like me. This started when you left. You left me there on the clock..all alone." tears started to stream down my cheeks as i explain. "And..only Jungri was there for me..but for some reason...she left me too. I was thankful that she came back when Jimin confessed to her." i looked away to hide my face but there was so many students walking around. Oh no!

Just then, a strong arm pulling me into his embrace. I was shocked at the moment. My heart was beating so fast. I slowly closed my eyes and letting the tears flow.

After a couple of minutes, i back away from him.

"You okay now?" he asked. I nodded slightly and thanked him. I walk way with embarrassment filled me.

After school, i was going home as usual using the street that leads to my home. I also notice that someone was ahead of me walking the same street and the same direction. His figure was familiar like i've seen before.

I thought about it and trying to remember where and when did i've seen this?. Wait. Isn't this..Jungkook?. My eyes widened and somehow my mouth made a loud gasp which caught his attention. He stopped and turned around. I panicked "I wasn't following you!" i said that out of blue.

He then just smiled and continue walking. I walk behind him and thinking. Am i following him? I feel like i am. No! This is a coincidence! I said to myself.

It has been awhile i was walking behind him. I've been thinking of many things while we were walking. He then suddenly stops and i notice it so i stopped to.

"You know, i still remember that you were saying that you didn't follow me." he turned to face me.

"I am..but..can i ask you something. Why..why didn't you showed up?" my eyes were getting watery and he walked closer to me. He suddenly bent down and place his head on my shoulder. I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

"I'm sorry..did you wait? I wanted to go but unfortunately, i have something to settled. I know you must have so many question to ask me. Let me explain. I was about to go there to meet you but suddenly i got a call from my father that my mother was in the hospital. My father decided that we should move to Busan so that my grandma can took care of me. My father was busy with work and my mother...i changed my name to Ken with reason. And i know was hard for me. I hope you understand." he stood up straight after explaining all of that.

"Can i asked you one more thing..Jungkook?" he nodded. "Did...did you decide to left because you knew that i hated boys? "

"Yeah..i thought it was better since you hated boys. I loved you back then..."does that mean we could go back to the old days? The old Jungkook can come back right?

"But..we can't go back to what we were. I begged you to stop looking for the old me. I'm Ken now. It's better for the both of us. I changed for the better. Hm?" he smiled and patted my shoulder. He left me there all alone again.

His words kept playing in my mind. 'We can't go back to what we were. I begged you to stop looking for the old me. I'm Ken now.' He's Ken now. Like he said 'Jungkook is dead'  hot tears streaming down my cheeks as i began to remember the old times of us. Will i ever seen that again?


hey~~ sorry for making you readers waiting!

Sorry for the mistakes in this chapter!

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