Chapter 11🌸

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Minhye POV

I lowered my head as a two pairs of eyes were staring at me like it was going to make a hole in the middle of my face.

"Suga! Stop looking at her like that! Where's Sohye?," Mrs. Min asked.

"She have an extra class at school. She said that she'll be home at 4 or 5 pm," Yoongi stated.

"Oh okay then. Minhye , go rest upstair and wash up. Come down for dinner , okay?," She said gently to me. I nodded and smiled at her back. My stupid eyes glance at Yoongi for a split second. He glared at me.

"Suga? Show her the guest room and helped her with her bag," with that Mrs. Min left the both of us in the tense atmosphere.

I stood froze in my place. He observe me up and down and scoffed. He stood up and walk near me. My heart races as i was afraid that he might say something bad or do something bad to me.

"Where's the bag?," my mouth froze and shut close by itself. I can't even speak ! "Have you gone deaf? I asked where's your bag?," he said coldly making my bones shivered.

I jolted a bit and quickly gave him my bag. He took it harshly from my hands and click his tongue. "Follow me", he walk upstairs and i obeyed.

We stopped in front of a white door. He put my bag down and left me there. As he was far , i realise that i've been holding my breathe. I release my hold and breath heavily.

I picked up my back and opened the door slowly walking into the room. It was aesthetic. It has white wall , dark brown wooden floored. A queen size bed with white and grey coloured sheets. A big black wardrobe. A grey furred rag on the wooden floor. Vanity , a study table and a self bathroom. This is great!

This family is actually rich since their dad was a CEO. He run a business about something. I don't know. My dad and their dad was a business partner. At least that what's Mrs. Min told me. My mother didn't told me anything about him. She doesn't even want to let me see his face. But i have a copied of his picture which it was gift from Mr. Min to me on my 12th birthday. I still have it till now.

Their family have been treating me nicely except one creature. That 'Y' guy. I don't want to talk about him now.

I emptied my mind, put my bag on the bed and grab my toiletries, headed towards the bathroom.

My jaw dropped as soon as i realise how big was the bathroom. It could fit a big vanity. One big size bathtub , a shower and the toilet.

"This is amazing!," i squealed silently.

I took a nice warm bath and trying to relax my self. Calm my mind , rest my muscles. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the warm water.

"This is so relaxing," i mumbled and slowly opened my eyes. I sighed and closing my eyes back.

Yoongi POV

I was waiting for someone at the cafe. I took another sip of my coffee.

"Where is this guy?," i starting to get impatient. Is he coming or not? Isn't he was the one who wants to meet up with me? Why is he late?

Just then , i heard a familiar voice behind me. The guy that i was waiting for have arrived.

"You're late," i stare intensely at the brown haired guy. He shows his innocent smile to me and apologise.

"Sorry, hyung," i shook my head and looked at him.

"Why did you want to meet me?," i asked. I've been wasting so many times waiting for this guy. It must be very important or i'll kill him. I have some job to do at home.

Under the Hut | jjkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora