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Rebecca sat in between Jensen and Jared ,as Jared was answered a question. Today They were doing a supernatural panel with the three Winchester sibling. Jensen Ackles who plays Dean, Jared Padelecki who plays Sam, and Rebecca Lee Autumn who plays the Winchester sister, Sarah.

It was the next fans turn to ask a question and we all turned towards her.
"Hi." She said nervously.

"Hi." Jared replied "how are you?"

"I'm good, a bit nervous but good." She replied.

"What is your question my dear?" Rebecca asked making a fake posh accent.

"Since the Winchesters travel around the country a lot ,do you think as actors or the Winchesters themselves have any hopes of visiting every state or one in particular?"

"I think they probably wish that they'd get to visit some states that they don't get to visit very often like Hawaii." Jared said.

"My first thought was like, 'Oh yeah! Rhode Island!' Cause that's where I'm from. But there's already been a few Episodes there. And then I thought 'why would I want to watch a show where somebody 40 minutes away from where I live is being brutally murdered by my worst nightmares.'" Becca replied, which made Jared laugh. "Though I'm surprised they never did a vampire episode there."

"Why?" Jensen asked. She turned towards him and just looked at him, with an 'are-you-serious' look. "What?"

"Rhode Island is the Vampire capital of the US. The tale of Mercy brown was what inspired the Dracula Story. Which inspired what we know today as vampires. You would have known that if you really were the expert of the supernatural that you claim to be."

"I.am.an.actor." Jensen replied. Becca laughed.

"My final answer to the question is Rhode Island because I'd like to see the Winchesters go up against Mercy Brown."

"Thank you." The fan said before the next question. The next person came up to the microphone. She was a girl around Becca's age.

"Hi. I'm a big fan of supernatural and stranger things-" part of the crowd cheered and Becca clapped. The girl laughed and continued "Finn wolfhard guest stared in an episode a couple of seasons ago. Your characters connected really well, really quickly, and so my question is for Rebecca. Would you be open to the idea of Finn's character coming back onto the show as a hunter and maybe Sarah's love interest?"


"Ok Bec, calm down." Jensen said and laughed.

"What? I like the idea!" She said sitting back down in my chair. "Finn is my best friend, and honestly everyday I wish I could get the chance to work with him again. When Stranger things first came out I was so happy to see Finn act again. He's just great. Amazing boy. 11/10 my favorite meme."

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