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This isn't going to be more of a clearing stuff out, so things aren't confusing. So here's a quick backstory.

In this story the main character is named Rebecca Lee Autumn. She is a 15 year old actress who stars on the show Supernatural. Rebecca started Acting when she was 7. She came on the show first in season 5 as the Winchesters half sister , Sarah Winchester. And basically grew up with Jared and Jensen as brothers in real life.

Rebecca met Finn in 2015 when he guest stared in an episode of spn during season 11. Because they were the same age and were the only kids on set, they quickly connected and became really good friends. A year later Stranger things aired on Netflix and Rebecca became close friends with the cast.Then Finn introduced the cast of IT to her since he talked about them a lot. Though she had previously known Wyatt through his role on Once Upon A time as young rumplestilskin since she played young Belle.

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