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{couple of months later}

I was currently at another supernatural panel , but this time it was just me and Misha. Panels with him were always the best. Half of the time I just spent laughing.

A woman walks up to the microphone to ask a question. "Hi. My question is for Becca. On social media and in past panels, you've mentioned maybe wanted to direct in the future. But I was wondering if you'd still like to continue as an actress later on?"

"I have thought that it'd be cool to maybe do both? But I really think that if this show ever ends, then that'll probably be the end of my acting career, just because 1.I'm not really trained; my cousin who's obsessed with Jared brought me to the audition without my parents permission, just so she could meet him. 2. I can't imagine moving on to any show after this one. I mean , the cast is my family. Like Jensen actually raised me for half of my life. We still share a trailer. Working with any other cast would be kind of weird, to me at least. I know to other people it isn't but still. Plus, Directing is cool as FUCK!" I reply.

"LANGUAGE!" Misha covered my face with one hand and pushed me back.

"I apologize, now can you take your hand off my face." I mumbled. He removed his hand them pats my head lightly. "No but like really, it is. You get to boss people around for money. also I just have a lot of stories I would really like to make into tv series', that I don't think would be that great with me in it??? I don't know." I shrugged.

"Thank you." The woman replied, I smiled and said bye to her as the next person walked up to the microphone. My eyes widened and i grinned like an idiot.

"I REMEMBER YOU" I said excitedly. The girl smiled and said hi. "YOURE THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR FICCA BECOMING CANON!!" Once the crowd realized what I was talking about, they cheered for her. I got up off the stage and walked over the The girl and asked if I could hug her. She nodded rapidly and I pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you!!! Oh my god you have no idea how happy I am that you asked that question. Finn and I probably wouldn't be dating if it wasn't for your idea." I say as I pulled away from the hug. "What's your name?"

"Sarah." She replied smiled wide, shaking a little bit. I squealed.

"Ok well Sarah, would you like to come sit up with me for the rest of the panel, and maybe go walk around the con afterwards?" Sarah covered her mouth, trying not to freak out. She nods her head. "YAY!" I yell and bring her up on stage. She sat in between me and Misha. "K so you're my new best friend." I side hug her. "Again thank you, And what is your question?"

"What's your favorite thing about Finn?" She asked.

"His smile. Or probably that he's such a meme. He's my favorite meme if you didn't know."

The end

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