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{video on Wyatt's YouTube channel}

The camera is pointed to Jack trying to teach Becca how to skateboard. Her hands clinging onto Jack's arms as she stood on the board and He started walking slowly.

"Skateboarding with Jack Dylan Grazer and Rebecca Lee Autumn." Wyatt says from behind the camera.

"I think I got it!" Bec shouts enthusiastically.

"No you don't." Jaeden says, while watching them from the side walk.

"BUZZ OFF LIEBEHER!" She quickly turns to him but almost looses balances.

The clip cuts to Becca about to try on her own, then zooms into Jack who's clutching his head with his eyes wide staring at the Bec's feet.

She pushes off and for a second was successfully skating , until she fell back and laid on the ground with her arms and legs sprawled out, staring at the sky. Jaeden starts laughing hysterically.

"Are you okay?" Jack asks standing over her. Bec doesn't respond. "Do you want to get up?"

"I shall stay flat on thy earth where art gravity has no way to harm nor torment thou self ." She replied, her expression blank.

Jack was silent for a few minutes before calmly saying "there's a car coming." Rebecca jolted up and sprinted out of the street to a tree and wrapped her arms and legs around it and started repeating yelling "I don't want to die." The camera turned back to Jack who now had his hands on his hips and a wide smile.

"So the moral of the story, kids, is..." Wyatt zoomed in on Jack's face quickly "s-Skate...board." He nervously chuckled before smiling wider and giving a thumbs up. Becca wailed 'I DON'T WANT TO DIE!' And Jack looked of in her direction and dramatically sighed.

"Alright SOMEONE DETACH BECCA FROM THE TREE!" Jack walked out of frame and the video ended.

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