Chapter 3

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"And afterwards, she disappeared. We didn't get to find out much about her. I tried searching up for any details regarding her appearance for identification but there is nothing."

Evident lines fold themselves onto the delicate features of the blonde man. Undoubtedly, Tao was one of the most talented people when it comes to utilising technology. That makes whoever that is able to conceal themselves away from his eyes alarming.

"Her features, what did she look like?"

Tao shared a glance with all the witnesses in the room. Seira stepped up.

"She had coal black hair lending just right above her waist and red eyes, almost similar to a noble's " Seira recalled, her red eyes darting across the faces of her comrades for confirmation. Upon receiving nods of approval, she continued.

"She looked alarmingly innocent, almost harmless-" and there was a pause.

"Until she took my soul weapon and effortlessly tossed it towards my direction." Seira finished with a cold edge to her voice. "Right beside me."

Everyone in that room evidently held back a grimace. Frankenstein sat back on his chair and rested chin on his knuckles. He held a calculating gaze and the silence was almost pregnant.

"And she mentioned Lukenodia does not have that charge on her?"

Regis cleared his throat.

"She probably meant that Lukenodia does not have any control over her actions and behaviour, which is highly unlikely."

"No. There is a being that does not have to abid to the rules of Lukenodia." Frankenstein affirmed. The younger generation probably wouldn't be aware of her existence just as how they didn't know about master's existence before. The others in the room became more confused at his peculiar statement.

"Don't tell master about this. I'll inform him when the right time comes."


This day was filled with tiresome effort as per usual. Loulisia's mind was burdened with thoughts of her past as well as the identity of the encountered strangers. They bore an uncanny resemblance to the nobles in Lukenodia, she was really certain that the people she saw today included the descendants of the Landegre and Loyard.

Upon reaching her front door, she unlocked the mahogany door shut it with a click. White walls with an unexplainable amount of graffiti welcomed her. Slipping off her heels, her feet padded against the wooden floor as she made her way further in. Sprawled across the beige couch, a brunette gave an audible greeting. With a mug on the table in front of the couch, and lots of documents scattered across the the coffee table.

Sia sat herself down, naturally crossing one leg across another in an aplomb manner, before motioning Lexianna to show her the documents she had been to enticed into. As Loulisia began looking through the stack of document, Lexianna stretched, loosing her limbs from the constrained position prior to her awakening, and busied herself in the kitchen.

"Lex, did you manage to get rid of all the footage?"

The shorter woman who re-entered the room hummed in response, which a mug clutched delicately in her palms. She passed the blue mug to Loulisia and plopped back onto her original position, sprawled out against a couch. With a mischievous gleam in her hazel eyes-in which Loulisia raised a brow to-, she closed her eyes almost in content.

"The hacker behind that system that you wanted me to stop was unexpectedly skilled, and that's truly something coming from me." She started, the glint in her eyes morphing into unaccountable pride. Behind that petite and small exterior, she was begrudgingly one of the most talented youth, establishing her prodigious ways in the realms of technology.

"Well to sum it all up, he was a tough nut to crack but all is well."

Loulisia smiled gently and sipped from her blue mug. Rich Darjeeling ran smoothly down her throat, leaving a satisfying astringency behind. It didn't take long for Lexianna to fall back into her slumber and Sia to dive back to her thoughts.

'Lukenodia' she thought. It has been such a long time. That was a place of hierarchy, in which nobles seek shelter in. There was a lord, there were family leaders who are dedicated and loyal to their one and only lord. In the human society, it would have sounded like it was a place right out of fairytales. They were powerful beings that promised their powers to the protection of the weak, it was an unspoken agreement. Her flashing eyes dulled as she fell deeper into the reminiscent of another being, the most powerful being in Lukenodia and the protector of the nobles. He was the Noblesse who made a decision to isolate himself from any social contact, and she faintly recalled all the times he came out of the house. She could list each outing he made over the past thousand years. And she was responsible for half of the list due to her reluctance of him depriving himself of companionship.

It has been hundred of years since she last saw him, and she's convinced that he has entered eternal sleep. She missed his apathetic expression which morphs itself into a gentle smile every morning she woke up. She missed his occasional little behaviours of amusement and confusion beneath that lackadaisical expression. Every morning she awoke from her slumber, she would grief for the lover who she had lost.

Loulisia's gaze direct themselves straight at the steam rising out of her tea, her eyes clouded with the uncertainty of her future.

She wouldn't get better.

Not when he was the only thing keeping her sane.

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