Chapter 4

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Note: Italics indicates a flashback taking place, normal wording is the present.

Chapter 4

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel held a packet of ramyun on his palm, his gaze staring fascinatingly at the black package with fire symbols and a little chicken at the left bottom corner. He faintly remembers the kid's exclamation on how fiercely spicy this noodle is and how it 'burns the hell out of your tongue'. He took that statement literally.

He raised his head again, his aplomb gaze taking in the scene displayed in front of him. Shin Woo was making silly faces at a piece of dead fish suffocatingly contained by layers of cling wrap, with a reprimanding Ikhan not far away. He didn't see the two girls who were usually close to the bunch. Taking in his surroundings once again, like he always did on his visits to the supermarket, he couldn't help but let himself be brought back to the memories of his past.

A bustling crowd along the red clothed stands and bargaining civilisation welcomed a pair of unusually graceful beings, one whose laughter was as gentle as a bell's chime, the other with a apathetic facial expression who was slowing contorting to a mixture of amusement and confusion. As they travel further into the chaos, their statuesque exterior had garnered many attention as the some of the people begin to whisper scandalously among one another. There were bystanders who were too busy marvelling over the pair that nothing came out of their mouth, but generally the people carried on bartering over quality of the meats and greens displayed carefully on the stands.

The woman in question was dressed in a simple full length grey dress that hugged her petite waist fittingly. Her black locks fell lightly against her waist with every gentle step forward. She beamed an excited smile at her companion and ushered him forward to a stand selling all types of sea creatures.

Staring blankly at the eight legged creature with the most humongous head and bizarre tentacles on each projectile, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel did not know how to respond. There was absolutely nothing going through his mind as he helplessly watched the squirming creature plead for mercy and struggle for escape. It looked like it was drowning in air. Where did it come from anyways? Lukenodia had its fair share of animals, most were tame, seeking shelter in the depths of flora and faunas, but never once has he seen anything as disturbing as this.

Loulisia observed silently at the noblesse's side, a subtle grin gracing her facial features. His various expressions was one of the most rewarding gifts from all their rendezvous. As he continued marvelling at the shells and molluscs laid messily on the vendor's stall, the woman gestured to the creatures that caught Raizel's attention and started to bargain for an agreeable price.

"Hey Rai, come try this." Shi Woo ushered the man over to a campaigning stall, where a profusely blushing woman who caught sight of Raizel, was trying to promote her products. Staring at the squirming octopus on a plate with red sauce and sesame oil, he thought of the scene that was playing in his mind again. A pestering tape, again and again, as if the memories of his past were trying to haunt him into an oblivion. He suppressed.

"This is San-nakji, one of Korea's greatest- Rai?" The chattering redhead fell into silence as he caught the glint of pain in his companion's charcoal gaze.

"Rai, what's the matter? It is ok if you don't want to try it, we didn't mean to upset you." Ikhan voiced in concern, throwing his red headed friend a look of annoyance. He  sternly reminded himself to drill some decency and etiquette into that thick skull's of his best friend.

"Come on Raizel, you have to try it." She took a scoop of the delicately plated-as delicate as it can get- octopus and shove it in front of the Noblesse's face, a gleaming smile of exuberance evident on her face. Loss for words, he silently willed himself to hold back a grimace at the maiden's enthusiasm. Loulisia saw right through it.

Her grin grew wider, and Raizel sighed. She wasn't going to give in even if hell sets itself on earth. Right after their little trip to town centre, the petite woman busied herself preparing whatever she purchased. With an observing eye, he settled on a couch, watching his beloved do whatever she was doing. He had a bad feeling, and staring at the squirming plate of organism, he should start trusting his gut instinct.

"Rai? Rai? This is bad Shin Woo, we better contact the headmast-"

Raizel blinked. Snapping out of his trance he regarded the children with a soft incline of his head. They were staring at his with genuine concern and pain, and he felt a hinge of guilt nagging at the side of his mind. On the way back to the house, they enlightened the three modified humans along with the Regis and Seira with Raizel's sudden trance and irregular behaviour. The noblesse remained emotionless as they strutted further down the street, even with the constant worrying gazes of his companions.

The corners of her lips quirked into a gentle smile, he felt her eyes silently observing him as he took in the bizarre food. Like any noble in Lukenodia, he chewed with his mouth closed. As the marinate slowly kicked in, his tastebuds begin to adjust with the wild flavours of the dish. Loulisia registered the acceptance in his eyes.

"I bet he didn't like the octopus, he's a foreigner you know."

"But you know Rai, he won't-"

"I liked it."

Both heads whipped at the speed of light, eyes widening in disbelief. Raizel stood unchanging, his face giving nothing away. He continued striding forwards, both nobles following a step behind him. Ikhan and Shin Woo looked at each other, a similar train of thought across both of their minds.

'But he didn't even try it yet.'

A/N: Hi there :)  This is my first time writing an author's note in a very long time so it might be tad bit of awkward. Anyways, I hope my readers are enjoying the plot so far.

Feel free to express your thoughts and opinions, I'm open to criticism and feedback. (Keys to improving as a writer.)

Don't forget to leave a vote (Motivation is another key to keep the write going *wink)

That's it for now.

Your writer,

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