Omake I (1)

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Omake I-First Meeting. (Part 1)

She could distinctly remember the time when she first took a life. He was a man who was loyal to his wife, and absolutely dotting to both his children. His elder daughter had his hair, and the younger son had his eyes, both of the children inherited the dimples gracing the sides of their cheeks from their mother.

Even after decades had passed since that incident, the memory remained fresh in her memory. Early Britain was a chauvinistic but benevolent society, Loulisia could remember all the pleasant exchange between people, and one particular lad even offered her an extra pastry in addition to the ones she bought. Stepping on to the path lined with cobblestone, she was extremely pleased with her visit.

"Loulisia Xenevie Di Leia, you're hereby summoned to take up your responsibilities as the aristocrat of conflicting forces, equilibrium and peace. You are to eliminate this man who brought chaos upon the city of Britain."

Loulisia shrieked as the chilling voice commanded. The tarts she bought slipped from her grip and was demolished as it fell to the hard ground. She didn't realise that she made a commotion until a crowd started to gather around her, and gloves hands started patting on her shoulder, asking if she was okay. The men kept a respectful distance while the women rubbed her back gently.

"Lady, are you alright?"

She wish she could say that she was fine, but the voices in her head began giving her details on her suppose to assassinate. Flashes of imagery violated her thoughts, and all she could see was pictures of a man getting slaughtered in cold blood, projected just as a series of learning flash cards.

' 1. You are to disguise yourself and corner him just as he is about to return home from his night shift.

2.Probably thinking that you're lost, he will stop and try to assist you. That's when you break the shins of his leg, one by one in a slow manner. Just so he can feel the tension straining on his legs before it snaps.

3.He will scream but it will not matter, for the path to his home is an area shrouded by tall greens. It is improper to still roam the streets at this hour for the English society, no being will be near.

4.After he's impaired, gouge his left eye out, leaving the right one so that he can see what's happening around him. Show him his eyeball and crush the tissue. '

Before all the instructions were given out, Loulisia felt her demeanour changed. She could feel her body submitting itself to an unknown force, and her consciousness was slowly leaving her body. Her mind screamed but her voice was not projected. Instead, she felt her lips lift up gently and apologised to everyone for causing a commotion. Loulisia never felt more terrified in her life, she could feel the chills running down her bones at the unrecognisable voice. It wasn't hers. She felt like she was possessed.

It seemed like her body had a mind of its own as she briskly dispose of the tattered pastries and make her way down to a secluded area. The setting sun flashed streaks of warm orange light across the towering trees, and not long after night began to set in. The serene scenery did nothing to calm the chaos in her mind. Painfully aware in her consciousness, she gave up struggling for control of her body.

"You are new, aren't you?" Loulisia felt herself speaking. No, this wasn't her, it was the voice someone else in her body. She gasped in her mind. The voice taken hold of her body then laughed.

"It is your responsibility to lend me your body, while I take care of the matters of the world. Is that clear?" She spoke in a tone that gave no room for discussion. "Well, it's not like you have a choice in this situation."

"Who are you?"

Loulisia did not get a reply.

This grubby man who have wronged the deity above, no taller than 6 feet with his square plebeian nose, did pass that very same path shown in her mind. And once he noticed her, he did strut towards her direction with a kind smile on his face.

'No, no, get away from me. Get away from me!'

"Miss, have you perhaps lost your way?" He enquire in a kind voice.

Against all the turmoil brewing in her mind, Loulisia's facial expression broke into a small smile as she nodded, her ruby eyes expressing gratitude and sincerity towards the man. The sight of a damsel in distress brought down any warning lights in the man. He advanced forward with a smile, and just as he was about to speak, everything stopped.

A loud crack resonated through the silent woods, followed by a chilling scream tearing through the ambient atmosphere of late evening. Loulisia could only watch in horror as the events which displayed themselves like scripts of a play unfold in front of her.

. . .

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel found himself relatively indifferent to events that occurred around him. It was initially due to his responsibility as the noblesse that he forcefully withdrew himself from any kind of interaction or social gathering that might potentially-although unintentionally-bring harm and hurt the both partaking parties, however, he recently began to feel that it was becoming a habit. He did ponder about the implications that led him to who he was today, and he did felt hurt resurfacing each time he had to eliminate people who were both strangers and friends, but that was hundreds of years ago. Now as he walked the streets of London after a small errand on the request of his Lord, he found himself enjoying the ever-going conversations between bustling crowds of the English society. He saw couples who were very much in love, a mother cooing at her newborn son, and kids who gathered in small circles, giggling quietly among themselves. Each of this people had lives that he could never dream of having in this life, but he was fine with it. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel carried on, seeking solace in both the nature and its people.

Everything was alright, until he felt a burst of raw power from one side of the town that was shadowed by forests. His vermilion eyes widened at the unnerving sensation, and he felt himself dashing towards the source of unease. He did not know what to expect, because the energy he felt was much more different than the beings of Lukenodia. His ears picked up a very broken cry, and as the crime scene entered his field of vision, he was lost for words.

. . .

Loulisia didn't know what was going on, at the same time she was sure that she knew everything that went on. She tore the man apart limb by limb, an eye after an eye, one nail after another, each crack of his delicate bones resounding satisfyingly in her ears. The man's screams of agony only brought pleasure to her, and his high pitched shrieks were as pleasant as listening to the melodies her sister played on the flute. She felt repulsed, disgusted and horrified by herself. Her very being had inflicted this level of harm towards humans who she loved dearly. She could never live with herself. After falling into a deep trance, in which she cried silently the whole time, she noticed a tall man with jet curly hair standing in front of her, his azure eyes widened at the scene in front of him. In the midst of falling in and out of reality, she could feel that he was not ordinary. He was a gifted being just like her. Loulisia did not know how to feel when she felt him gathering energy, his sole purpose was probably to eliminate her.

'A noble. This would be perfect.' She could feel herself rejoicing in pain, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. Emotions ranging from confusion to aggravation overwhelmed her all at once. He was going to kill her. This man would be her saviour from the heavy sin she had committed.

"Kill me, please." The girl spoke softly, her voice cracked as she looked at the man who stood in front of her, rooted to his ground. When the man did nothing but stared at her, her begs became more desperate, until she felt sobs racking through her entire body as she braced herself with both of her arms. The man was absolutely still. He didn't speak, but he channeled some power into the woman's consciousness and forced her to fall unconscious. At that moment where nothing is clarified and resolved, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel thought it was best that she calmed down and explained her side before making the decision to eliminate her.

. . .

A/N: Part 2 will be up soon ;)

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