Omake I (2)

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Omake I-First Meeting.(Part 2)

Loulisia Xenevie Di Leia found lifting her eyelids to be a tough challenge that morning. She couldn't remember exactly when she fell unconscious, but she presumed she had been knocked out for quite some time because the dried tears had glued her eyes shut rather tightly. Her small hands gripped the mattress under her gently, and she slowly sat up, the smooth silky blanket shifting as she pulled herself into a sitting position. Her red eyes squinted as she slowly regained her vision, adjusting to the intensity of the light. She gasped softly as she noticed the man she saw yesterday standing in front of the wooden framed window, his eyes lost in the small view of the outside world.

In the face of such a beautiful man, Loulisia was left utterly breathless. The extravagant background consisting of amber drapes and classic Victorian wallpapers was lustreless against the black haired man, who stood erect and poised. He noticed her awakening but didn't say a word, and only watched her from the window. She crawled back slightly, until she felt her back hit the backrest of the bed.

"Are you alright?"

His voice was deep and collected, just as she expected it would be from his entrancing exterior. His voice seemed to bring up a series of events that Loulisia repressed, because at one moment her mind had nothing, the next everything from yesterday evening came flooding back.

She screamed.

Clutching her head in her arms, she heaved deep breaths that unfortunately did nothing to calm her down. The traitorous tears were beginning to make way down her cheek once again, the stinging in her eyes grew sharper with each teardrop. She heard footsteps making their way across the room, but she was too in grieve to look up. Loulisia had done a something unforgivable, and she had become a sinner. The only unforgivable sin is deliberate cruelty. And that, she has imposed on the man who died by her own pair of hands yesterday.

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel placed his palm onto her head, the slight movement caused her to stiffen and she looked up. His eyes were slightly furrowed and glowing a deep scarlet, a sign that he was using his noble blessed powers. Loulisia felt herself calm down at his touch. He raked through her memories, retracing from the start of yesterday till the moment he had found her. What he saw through her eyes was gruesome, but he didn't show it.

"It's not your fault."

Loulisia laughed bitterly, wanting desperately to believe his words that held so much conviction, but she knew the sin she had committed was too far gone.

"It's all my fault. I've ripped a fatherly figure from his family, a lover to his wife, and I've mercilessly destroyed a human life limb by limb. Right until the death's door, he did not receive any sort of peace. He will bring this trauma and scar into his afterlife. I've done something horribly wrong. Even if he wasn't a good man, he did not deserve what I did to him." She choked, unable to recollect herself. "Please, you are a noble. I know that you can't forgive such a severely horrible act so just kill me."

"I will not. The intentions of yesterday night was not yours." He spoke quietly, yet Loulisia could hear every word. "As I went through your memories yesterday, I could feel the resistance of another soul. That soul was vile and evil, your body was unfortunately the host."

Loulisia's eyes widened at the unveiling of this information. Her body was powerless against such a demonic presence, she knew that from her experience yesterday. She was terrified, because this meant that that cursed soul would take over her and rampage whenever. Loulisia cried at the thought of hurting more people. She couldn't do it, she would rather die that allow herself to be possessed by a devil. She wouldn't risk hurting other people, even if the price was taking her own life. For the first time, she looked up at the man properly, red eyes boring into another. Loulisia whispered in a brittle tone, looking though her glassy eyes with a woebegone expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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