Chapter 9

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(Media:Cadis Etrama Di Raizel)

"There's a luxury in self reproach. When we blame ourselves, we feel no one has the right to blame us." -Oscar Wilde.

Chapter 9

When he entered the room, all he saw was her. The black locks at the side of her ears shifted as she gently flipped a page of her book, her small posture nestled soundly on the bed. His mind took him back to the moments he spent with her back in Lukenodia, with her resting on the cabriole couch, indulging whatever the Lord recommended. Throughout his life, he was told that he reacted too minimally to bizarre and emotionally draining situations, but even to him, the feeling of losing someone dear to him was the excruciatingly painful. Especially her.

Loulisia could feel the mattress sink under the weight of Raizel, and she shifted closer to him, feeling his arms wrap around her waist. She could feel her nose prick with nostalgia, and she bit her lip to contain a little sob that threatened to come out when she hugged him. The events leading up to this part of her life reminded her of why she endured all the trauma when she could have chose to go instead.

"I heard it from the child. It seemed like you've taken people under your care." He spoke quietly, his chin settling gently on top of her head.

He heard her mumble something under her breath, it was soft but he could hear it because they were so close to each other. He could see her ashen face twist into an excruciating expression.

"They were thrown out the streets for being failures behind the experiments the Union conducted. I couldn't leave them alone."

"However, I really should have. They wouldn't have die in the hands of their predators if I did that." She spoke gravely, a bitter smile gracing her lips. "They had to endure the worst kind of death because of a decision that I made."

He sighed and told her that she knew deep down that it wasn't true, in minimal words and assuring tone. She listened as he cornered the voices of her mind with his soothing voice, and his last sentence stayed glued in her mind until she entered her dreamland.

"The most liberating and empowering day of your life, will be the day you free yourself from self destruction. "

"And I'll be there as always."

"For the last time, are you sure that you don't want to go to school?"

"I've already graduated for more than a hundred times and got stacks upon stacks of certified graduating certifications including the Bachelor's in Surgery and Medicine, in Biomedical sciences and another few specialisations in Medicine itself. You know how long it takes to get by med school and I've been there. I don't see the point of going into high school again Frankenstein."

Frankenstein sighed at her mistress, who let out a laugh at his exasperated state. He was very set on enrolling her into school so that she can spend as much time with the master as she can. He didn't expect her reluctance given her attachment to the master.

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel walked into the room, greeted by the the sight of Loulisia and Frankenstein bantering. She looked better this morning, her exterior radiating with jubilance. A gentle smile graced her lips as she saw him enter the room, she made her way across the counter, gave him a hug, and pecked his cheek. He held her by the waist, giving her a small embrace before letting go. It was routine for both of them.

For the other new members of the house who was in the room since the beginning of Frankenstein and Loulisia's banter however, it was an unbelievable side of Cadis Etrama Di Raizel.

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