Chapter Two: Candy Store

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September 20, 2017

Dear Diary,
I don't know what I feel about Lexi. She's just different than what I am used to. I feel beautiful, for the first time in my life, but I never thought I would have boobs and long hair. Mitch was so boring and awkward, but Lexi is hot, feisty, and confident. I wonder what that Scott guy will thing. He has been on my mind since I met him. Something is so dangerously dark about him, but I really like the darkness, it makes this boring ass town actually bearable...

Lexi put away her journal to get ready for school. She was nervous about her new life, but she got dressed for the day. She put on the prebraided wig, did her makeup, and grabbed the two bags she planned on taking with her. She checked herself in the mirror one more time before sneaking past her parents and out the door. Outside, Alex's Range Rover was waiting for her. She just smiled and walked over, hopping in the car.

"Good morning, Lexi," Alexis greeted. "I really like your outfit today. It's very cute."

"Thanks, Alexis," Lexi smiled. "I brought the bag of stuff that I told you about. All of it is yellow."

"Thank you so much!" Alexis beamed. "I really like you, Lexi."

"I like you too," Lexi returned, making the girl blush from the kindness she never knew.

"Now everyone at school knows who you really are," Alex spoke up, "but no one will care too much to remember, so they'll only see you as Lexi. If you're as good a forger as you said, this will not be a one time thing, okay?"

"Yes ma'am," Lexi nodded in agreement, them driving to the school.

The four all separated, as they had different classes, so Lexi was on her own. She walked through the hallway, everyone staring at her, guys seductively and girls jealously, and she liked it. She liked finally being the center of attention without it being a negative reason. She walked to her new temporary locker, and put her bag in it, grabbing out what she needed. When she closed her locker, Scott was standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face, causing the girl to jump. Scott looked her up and down, making her nervous and turning her on to no end.

"I prefer Mitch, to be honest," Scott shrugged. "He's a sexy looking bottom, and Lexi is just so... artificial. Bring him back soon."

"I guess we will see," she smiled. "Thanks for letting me know I look fake. I feel fake, but for once I feel beautiful."

"You don't need to be a girl to be beautiful," he shook his head. "I think Mitch was gorgeous as hell. I may like both, but I prefer the real you over anyone in this whole fucking school."

"I will definitely keep that in mind," she waved, walking away to find her best friend, hoping that hanging with her made them leave her alone.

"Hello, Lexi," Kirstie winked. "You look so good and you actually look rich like we both know you are. Wes passed me today, and he actually looked and smiled at me... Maybe I have a chance..."

"You wouldn't want a chance with him," Lexi spat. "He's a complete and utter idiot. You deserve way better than that."

"Doesn't hurt to dream," she shrugged with a laugh. "He wasn't always like that. I blame Damian for that, because he was so sweet before."

"High school changes you, honestly," Lexi sighed. "It's terrible what high school steals from you."

"Well let's get to class, okay?" Kirstie suggested, Lexi nodding before they walked to their first class.
Lunchtime rolled around, and it was time for Lexi to sit at the popular table with the Lexes, Wes, Damian, and a couple other jocks that follow them around. She went up to the cafeteria lady, showing her the badge, and getting the private made meals she always got. She grabbed her lunch and headed to the table she had always wanted to sit at. When she did sit down, she instantly caught the eye of none other than Wesley Johnson. She silently opened her plastic ware and began eating the lobster and steak that was prepared for her. She looked over at the blond, who was sitting in the back corner, and he glared at her seductively, giving her the confidence to speak up if Wes talked to her.

"Hey Sexy New Girl," the silver haired man greeted. "I am guessing you already know my name."

"I sure do, Doll," she bit her lip. "Where I am from, Wesley is a name that makes the ladies line up to scream it in bed."

"Oh well that's great to hear...?" the statement came out as a question.

"Too bad I am not as easy as the people back where I am from," she smirked. "You're gonna have to work for it, and even then it'll probably only be a bj."

"It'll be more than the other Lexes give me," Wes shrugged, Alexa hitting him on his arm. "Ow! What the fuck?!"

You're being a Dick," she whined. "Just stop talking. That's your best bet."

"Hey, Lexi," Alex smirked looking over at Kirstie. "I would like to talk to you about your magic skill."

"Okay...?" Lexi raised an eyebrow as she was taken to a quieter side. "Whose handwriting do you need forged?"

"I would like for you to write a note to your buddy from Wes," Alex demanded. "It's sickeningly obnoxious to see her pining over someone that kissed her in kindergarten. It's stupid, and I want to end that once and for all."

"That is my best friend!" she gasped. "I could never do that to Kirstie. She has been there for me since we were toddlers. That's beyond ice cold."

"Listen here, Bitch," Alex snapped. "You came to me and told me you'd write anything I wanted, just to be my friend. I know for certain that if she had the speck of the opportunity you have, she would let you burn quicker than Salem did their witches. There will be no more best friend bullshit. I am your best friend now. If you don't do exactly what I say, I swear the torment you went through before me will be a lot worse after me. So what do you say?"

"Fine..." Lexi gave in, writing the letter and handing it to Alex, unable to look Kirstie's way as she sat back down for the rest of lunch.

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