Chapter Ten: Blue

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Two weeks passed after Alex's funeral, and everything was seeming to die down. Mitch and Scott grew even closer, Mitch continued to be Lexi at school, and the world seemed to be better. Mitch felt less and less guilt for being the cause of Alex's death, because he saw that things seemed to be okay. He was safe to start hanging out with Kirstie, while still being friends with Alexis and Alexa. He genuinely thought that everything was beginning to be okay, but he quickly found out he was wrong, when he got a call late at night, unexpectedly, from Alexis.

"Hey, Mitchie..."
"You sound like you've been crying. Are you okay?"
"I need your help..."
"What's wrong?"
"Well we came up to the cemetary to pour beer on Alex's grave, but Wes and Damian drank all of them before we could even get here. Damian left with Lexi, but Wes won't leave me alone. I need your help. Please come..."
"I will try and be there as quick as I can, but I have to change into Lexi. I will be there as soon as possible."
"Thank you... You're too nice for your own good."
"I have to get off of the phone now."
"Okay... Goodbye."

Mitch hung up and quickly changed into Lexi, forgetting that she didn't have her license. Against what her brain was telling her, she called Scott, asking him to drive her to the cemetery. Scott argued with her, trying to convince her that it was going to end badly, but after a half an hour of arguing, he was at her house on his motorcycle to take her. After another half an hour of arguing, Scott hesitantly rode off, leaving her to go find Alexis, who was hiding in her car, the window down just enough for them to talk, Alexis still being safe.

"Are you okay, Alexis?" Lexi asked, looking at the crying girl.

"I am okay now, now that I am safe," Alexis sniffled. "Alexa is a straight up bully, and you're really nice to me, so I really wanted you here with me."

"Well I am here," Lexi smiled.

"Thank you so much," Alexis smiled back. "I don't know where he went, but I am scared. Maybe you should get in the car. I don't want him doing the same to you. You don't deserve that."

"Hell yeah she does," Alexa laughed, coming out of nowhere. She hopped in the car, closed the door, and locked it, holding down the button. "I hope you enjoy trying to fight off two football players, fag."

"Let her in, Alexa," Alexis demanded, but the Asian laughed and shook her head as both football players walked up.

"Hello Leeeexxxiii!" Wes slurred out. "Why doon't you cooome over here and let us haaaaave sommmmeeee fun."

"You have a left hand; use it," Lexi whined, obviously disgusted. "I am not interested, nor have I ever been."

"Cooooome oooonnnnn!" Damian laughed out. "You're hot, we're hot, and you make ouuuuuur balls bluuuueeee, and not in the way you think. I am talking bluuuuueeee as in saaaaadddd..."

"Well you two are gross when you're drunk," she teased, "so there's no way I am letting you get in my skirt like that. It is not a good look on you."

"Stop making them sad, Sexy Lexi," Wes hiccupped. "Pleeeeeasssse!"

"Here," she sighed, handing them a beer can with water she put in it. "More drinks, have fun."

"Thaaaaanks!" both called out in unison, Lexi using the distraction to walk away. As if Scott knew what was happening, he was waiting for her on his bike. She hopped on, and they drove to his house since his dad was out for a job.
Mitch woke up the next day, and it was a school day. He sighed and got up, seeing the outfit Scott had laid out for him to turn into Lexi yet again. He smiled and turned into Lexi, taking a lot less time on her looks for that day. She got her bag together, and she went downstairs where Scott had breakfast waiting for her. They both ate their breakfast in silence, and headed to school, walking in together. Instantly, she heard students whispering about her being a slut, feeling confused as to why.

"So how was the threesome with Wes and Damian, you whore?" one student, a girl, teased, pouring spoiled milk on her head. "Here; Since you like white stuff all over you."

"A threesome?!" Scott gasped, looking at the girl angrily. "Is that true."

"Of course not!" Lexi shook her head. "I would've never done that, especially when they're drunk off their asses."

"That's not what Alexa said," the girl giggled. "She told us that you guys went to the cemetery, and you were insistent on a threesome with the two guys, on Alex's grave."

"That is far from the truth!" Lexi spat angrily as two football players, alongside Wes and Damien, walked up.

"How was the swordfight in your mouth?" Josh laughed, everyone joining.

"Sounds like it'd be a bit crowded in there," the girl giggled.

"You guys are full of bullshit," Scott smirked. "You're mad that you couldn't get pussy from anyone, so you make up a bullshit story about Lexi when we all know that she has never been interested in you. Truth is, I don't even think that your mother loves you."

"Grab him!" Wes snapped, Scott letting them grab him beat him to the ground. "You deserve that Fag, you whore. You're ugly as fuck anyways."

"I hate everyone!" Lexi running off in tears.

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