Beautiful Reprise

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For about five minutes, Mitch stared at the door that separated him from his dead ex boyfriend, sighing as he pulled out his phone. He called 911 and explained the situation, them there within minutes. An officer helped Mitch safely get out of the school as they searched for the various bombs placed throughout the school. When Mitch made it outside, he dizzily walked out to the football field right to the middle of the field where Alexa was standing with easily dettatchable red clothing. Mitch ripped the microphone from her hand, took her red jacket, and put it on over top of his blood stained shirt.

"Okay listen up everyone," Mitch started, "my psychopath ex boyfriend was trying to blow up the school with y'all in it. I was able to fix this shit so y'all survived because of me. I am your life saver, so I am the head bitch now. I am red, and all of y'all will reign under me. I won't terrorize you and I won't make you feel like shit, but if I remotely hear any of you try to step out of line, I will destroy you. Now with that being said, everyone enjoy the rest of the fucking rally!"

The crowd cheered and he laughed, walking off of the field as if nothing had happened. He sent up the steps to a bleacher to finish watching the rally. As he watched people celebrate the sport that leads to nowhere, he saw a messed up, wheel chair using Kirstie, still smiling through the pain. Mitch just looked at her as she talked with a boy strangely resembling Scott. With a sigh, he walked over to her, her smile instantly dropping.

"Hey," Mitch smiled nervously. "I am so sorry that I put you through all of this. I wanted you to see how horrible of a guy Wes was. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to make it seem like I wasn't on your side. I just want my friend back. My prom date tried to blow the school up so how about we ditch this, maybe a makeover night, order from Postmates, find a movie with a happy ending?"

"Are there really any happy endings for us?" Kirstie began to cry. "It doesn't really seem like it."

"You can find a happy ending through anything if you try," Mitch reassured. "I can't guarantee there won't be more people like Alex or Wes, but we're still young. We can learn how to rise above the bullshit and live a little. It can happen. Soon we'll be graduating and then I will take you far from this bullshit town. We will be okay. I promise."

"You know what?" Kirstie sniffled with a smile. "I say we have a Disney night. Maybe play some Kingdom Hearts while we're at it."

"That sounds like a plan," Mitch smiled back. "Now let's motor while everyone is still distracted by pigs playing a recycled sport."

"Let's," Kirstie agreed, grabbing the boy's hand and going out to the entrance, bumping into Alexis and Alexa.

"Oh hey, Mitch," Alexis beamed. "I am so happy to see that you're okay. I over heard Scott telling you his plan and I was so scared for everyone. I am so happy that everyone is okay."

"Unfortunately not everyone," Mitch admitted. "Scott... He... He realized what he was doing and in the last moment, he saved us by ending his life. I hate that it happened this way, but at least he's not hurting anymore."

"Oh stop being such a sap," Alexa scoffed with an eye roll, the three glaring at her.

"Hey Alexis," Mitch changed the subject. "Kirstie and I are having a lady's night with movies, games, and makeup. Would you like to join us? You aren't restricted when it comes to what you wear. You just come in done comfy clothes and bring makeup and other things to play with. Also bring that credit card I gave you. We're ordering from Postmates. May also rent a movie each. I'm probably gonna be getting the movie that I should've learned from; Heathers. Kirstie is getting a couple Disney movies and you can get whatever you wanna watch. It'll be an all week thing since we're out of school for a few weeks."

"That actually sounds great," Alexis smiled. "I will have to ask my mom but I'm pretty sure it's okay."

"I have baby stuff for you as well," Mitch added. "Since I'm in a sense at fault for Damian dying, I will take the father responsibilities of your future child."

"Oh that would be so nice!" She nodded thankfully. "I'm sure he or she would be delighted."

"What about your mom's job?" Alexa threatened with a smirk.

"Of course he didn't tell you!" Alexis laughed. "Your dad tried to seduce my mom and she recorded everything from when he started flirting with her to when he snuck her out of your house. With the help of Nel, my mom sued him for his entire company, including everything you've ever owned. You may wanna watch who you're talking to."

"Are you serious?!" Alexa gasped, showing concern, fear, and insecurity for the first time ever.

"Look we don't hate you," Alexis reassured. "We just hated who you became after Alex died. You are a great person, and I've seen that great person. All I ask of you is to be nicer, treat me as equal, and call me by my real name. I'm not a Lex. I'm a Veronica."

"How would you like to join us?" Mitch offered. "We have extra room and you can wear red if you want."

"I'm more of a blue kind of girl," Alexis corrected with a smile, "but I'd love to finally act seventeen for once."

"We can all be seventeen," Mitch agreed. "We are all so young. We can graduate and leave this hell hole once and for all. We can go to college or open our own companies or do whatever we want. Until then we could be teens. We can have sleepovers, go to the mall, go see movies, or even go bowling. I don't know about you but I honestly think this could be beautiful."

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