Yo Girl/ Meant to Be Yours

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Mitch had invited Alexis over, and they were instagramming makeup tutorials like the femme fatales they are. Alexis was doing a full face tutorial, and Mitch was strictly doing his eyes. They had been becoming a lot closer, and he wanted to invite Kirstie, but for some reason, he didn't do it though he had want to. He sighed and kept making his tutorial, enjoying the positive comment, though they took a negative turn when he saw Alexa had messaged him an hour into the session.

AlexaAlice00 It's funny that you're so caught up with one friend that you forgot another.
mitchgrassi What the fuck are you talking about?
AlexaAlice00 Oh you didn't hear? Your diaper buddy drove herself off of the bridge.
mitchgrassi OMFG! Is she okay?!
AlexaAlice00 Yeah, unfortunately. She was just wanting to be popular so much that she tried to follow in Alex's footsteps. Too bad no one really gave a shit if she died.
mitchgrassi I do. She was my best friend and I broke her because y'all thought it was so hilarious. She is more real than those water balloons you call tits. How dare you attack her? Don't you have better things to do?
AlexaAlice00 I do, actually
{link to petition} 
Your precious boyfriend made a petition online. Something about an explosive performance.
mitchgrassi He's not my boyfriend and what is this petition for?
AlexaAlice00 He said something about it being to get my favorite K-Pop group to perform at the pep rally.

"We all know that is not what that petition is for," he heard Alex say, her and the football players appearing in front of her.

"Hey Alexis," Mitch ignored the voice, looking over at the sweet little ball of sunshine. "I have to get ready for the pep rally tonight. Would you mind if we met up back at the school? I have a few stops to make."

"I have to get ready myself," she obliged, waving sweetly before she walked out, leaving him alone with the spirits that haunted him.

"You can't ignore us, Mitch," Wes spoke, Mitch realizing he was really going insane. "You conformed, so you deserve Alex's scrunchie."

"I am nothing like you guys," Mitch began to panic, shaking his head as if to shake away the ghosts.

"Come on and show us your real colors, Mitchie," Alex laughed evilly.

"I need to go see Kirstie..." Mitch tried to ignore them further, trying to get a bag together.

"You don't look to well," Damien added with a smirk. "Maybe you should just sit down or even join us here in hell. You deserve to join us for all of eternity."

"Mitchell?" Mike called out, his parents walking in as Mitch sat down. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah I'm great," Mitch squeaked out, not even convincing himself.

"Your boyfriend stopped by," Mike continued, pulling out a book he recognized as Moby Dick/

"He is not my boyfriend, Dad," Mitch whined, crossing his arms and shutting down.

"Well he told us everything," Nel added, Mitch going completely pale until she continued speaking. "He told us about your depression and thoughts of killing yourself. He even showed us your book."

"Looks like he took up writing lessons from you, Mitchie," Alex smirked, "and it looks like someone in this room is his next victim."

"It may seem like suicide is the last resort but it's not," Nel reassured.

"He's coming for ya," Wes spoke, Mitch trying to not crumble under the pressure.

"I can see him from here," Damien added. "You may wanna hide, Wussy Boy."

"That is not my book and you have no idea what's going on in my head!" Mitch snapped, pushing them both out of the room and locking the door, grabbing a couple ties and his suspenders, running to the closet, locking that door as well.

"Knock knock," Scott called out, crawling through the window. "Sorry for coming through the window; dreadful etiquette, I know. So where are you?"

"Get the fuck out of my house!" Mitch yelled out, setting up his noose and setting it up as Scott tried to open the door.

"Come on!" Scott growled. "Unlock this door and get dressed. You're my date to this pep rally. It'll be great."

"What have you done?" Mitch asked, the noose around his neck and him ready to jump.

"I want to read you the petition they really signed," Scott paced, holding the piece of paper.

"I don't want anything to do with this," Mitch tried his hardest not to let the tears fall.

"You are, though," Scott continued. "You chewed me up and spit me out and I wanted you dead, but then I realized, those fucking high schoolers are the reason for all of this. They are the ones that deserve to die, not you. So I planted a bomb, and no one will see their senior prom. We can watch the fire together. Then we'll plant this petition that reads, We, students at Valley Bridge High , will die. Today. Our burning bodies will be the ultimate protest to a society that degrades us. fuck you all!"

"I am not doing this," Mitch refused, hiding behind the door.

"I was meant to be yours, Mitch!" Scott began to grow angrier with every second that passed. "YOU WERE MEANT TO BE MINE! I AM ALL THAT YOU NEED! YOU CARVED OPEN MY HEART! CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME TO BLEED!"

"Leave me alone!" Mitch spat, jumping off of his chair.

"I don't want to fight any more.... Please come out... I'm counting to three... One... Two... Fuck it!" He growled out impatiently, breaking the door down and walking in, seeing Mitch dead and hanging there. "No! Mitch! You can't leave me here... You're all I know and love! I can't do this alone, Mitchie... I guess I have to. I will avenge you."

"Mitchie, is everything okay in here?" Scott heard Nel call out, sneaking out just in time for Nel to walk in. "I brought you something to.... OOOOHHHHHHH GOOOOOOD! MIIIIITCHIIIIIIIEEEE!!!! THIS CAN'T BEEEEEEE!"

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