Chapter Nine: Me Inside of Me Pt 2

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After hearing word that Alexandra Walker had committed suicide, the school decided to have a full week of mourning for the woman that no one really liked. Mitch and Scott slowly became closer, and decided to ditch a couple days after school started back up. They stayed at Scott’s house, watching all of the local news channels, Alexa being the first face they saw on every channel, talking about the fake best friendship she had with Alex, though everyone knew that Lexi was the only one she truly were friends with. Mitch rolled his eyes, turning off the TV finally, after an hour of trying to find a channel without Alexa in it.

“Alexa is ridiculous, putting the spotlight on her so much,” Mitch complained. “She didn’t even know the real Alex that I saw more than she ever did. She is just making everything about her and it’s stupid.”

“I hate wannabes like that,” Alex’s voice ringing in Mitch’s ear as if she was there with him. “She always wanted to be me, but she never will be.”

“I think that she is just trying to be Miss Walker,” Scott laughed. “She wishes she could ever amount to anything. She will just milk her parent’s money dry and be another millenial white chick statistic.”

“I actually do agree,” Mitch nodded as Scott’s father, Rick, walked in, getting on the treadmill that was still in the living room since he didn’t plan to stay for long.

“Oh hey Son,” Scott greeted sarcastically. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school and not skipping classes?”

“Oh hey Dad,” Rick returned. “This is my boyfriend, which I haven’t introduced you to yet.”

“This is Mitch,” Scott growled. “We were just heading out anyways, weren’t we?”

“He can stay for dinner if he likes,” Rick offered, though he really didn’t mean it.

“Oh I can’t stay tonight,” Mitch spoke up. “My mom is making the family recipe spaghetti, which is made from scratch. I never miss spaghetti night.”

“Oh well go be with your mom, then,” Rick faked a smile, getting off the treadmill as Scott and Mitch got up off of the couch.

“I wish I could be with my mom,” Scott spat, “but the last time I saw her, she was waving from a library in Ohio. You remember that day? When I told you not to push that damn button just yet? Yet still you did it, and you’re making me suffer for something you could’ve easily stopped.”

“I think we should go now,” Mitch squeaked out, pulling Scott away before anything escelated. “I know it’s a tough subject, but you don’t have to worry. You’re old enough to choose to stay. You can stay here. I won’t leave you like that. It’s been only a week, but you can know that I will never leave your side.”

“I know,” he sighed. “I just hate that he drove her to her death. He was too obsessed with destroying building, along with lives, that it drove her to kill herself. I couldn’t live with myself if I ever did that to anyone. That’s why I was so numb to the world. I didn’t want to let people in, only to turn out like my father.”

“You are nothing like your father, Scotty,” Mitch reassured, kissing the man. “You are much better than that man. You are okay. I am here. I will show you that you aren’t like your father.”

Scott smiled genuinely, and they began to walk down the street, all the way to her home. He stopped in and transformed into Lexi, dressing dark to go to Alex’s funeral happening in an hour’s time. She fixed her make up to look like it was runny, and practiced her crying, though she didn’t feel as bad as she should have. She went down and joined the man, Scott approving the crying look. He took her to his motorcycle and they sped off to the funeral. They walked in, and Lexi paid her respects to Alex’s family, and seeing Alex’s dead body for the first time since that night. She looked at Alex’s crying little sister, and that is when the guilt truly started. She sat through the whole funeral, leaving the minute she was able to. The anxiety took over her whole body and she completely blacked out in the parking lot of the funeral home.


“Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw!” Mitch heard Alex call out, his eyes opening to see a distorted version of the world he lived in, Alex standing in front of him. “By you killing me, you made me ten times more popular. I was on literally every local channel. I am bigger than Beyonce right now. Thanks. Thanks for being an asshole and killing me.”

“I didn’t kill you,” Mitch argued, unable to move.

“So you totally didn’t want to kill me with liquid drainer?” she asked, hacking up some of the blue liquid. “Thanks to you I have to do that all of eternity.”

“I didn’t mean to bring that mug, Alex,” he sighed honestly. “We were talking about it, but I didn’t want to go through with it. I picked up the wrong cup.”

“And lover boy knew exactly what cup you picked up,” she smirked. “Scotty knew exactly what cup you picked up and didn’t tell you.”

“That is not true...” he shook his head, closing his eyes again.

“You have started to make a monster,” she laughed. “You have created a monster; not only in him, but in you. You’ll see.”

“No!” Mitch screamed out, something flashing him back into reality and falling to the ground.

“Are you okay?” Scott rushed over to the “girl” and pulling her into his arms. “What happened? Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”

“It’s because I did,” Lexi cried out. “I saw her. I saw Alex. She was talking to me, and everything was dark and scary. It was just us two… And she blamed me… She blamed me… but I didn’t know… Did you know…?”

“Of course I didn’t!” he lied, though she believed every word. “Let’s get you home and I will run you a bath. I will do anything that will help you relax your nerves, okay?”

“Okay...” she sighed, following the man to the motorcycle, them going back to her house.

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