Kindergarten Boyfriend

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Kirstie avoided Mitch the best she could, because he hurt her worse than his new friends ever could. She walked through the hallways, avoiding everyone that could make her feel worse, making it to the classroom that she needed to be in, sitting in the back as she usually did. When she looked up, she saw Alexa and Scott talking, realizing that whatever they were doing was sketchy. So she sat down and pretended to set up her station, trying to listen in on what they were saying. At first she couldn't hear them, but it was as if they knew she was there, because their voices got louder.

"What the hell do you want with me?" Alexa asked with annoyance in her voice. "Don't you have some school to blow up or something?"

"Now that is the last thing on my mind," Scott smirked. "Now stabbing a popular bitch with a dirty knife is more my level."

"Just tell me what you want," she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat, "so you can leave me alone."

"You're the most popular girl here," he started, "and I know you're a fan of that Big Bang group. Well, there's a contest, and if you can get everyone to sign, then I will make sure we win an... explosive... concert of the ages. I want you to get the signatures."

"What's in it for me, though?" Alexa asked curiously.

"A lifetime without humiliation," Scott shrugged, pulling out an envelope. "I know for a fact that no one seems to like that Kirstie chick. Imagine what they would think if they found out you were friends with her for so long."

"You're blackmailing me?!" she squealed, making him laugh even more.

"I guess you can say that," Scott pulled out a folder, showing the girl multiple pictures. "This'll go viral really fucking quick."

"No one cares about that bastard child of the town whore!" she spat, trying to take the pictures. "No one will do shit about those pictures."

"Your actions said otherwise, Sweetheart," Scott laughed even harder. "Even if I gave them to you, you couldn't erase them from my 500 different devices. It'd take you almost 50 years to get through to it all. I will personally remove every single picture off everything if you manage to get 1000 signatures."

"As long as I don't have to talk to Kirstie," she spat. "She'd make the world so much better by just dying. No one wants her here."

Kirstie ran out the room, finding a quiet room to sit. As the tears fell, she wrote everything that was on her mind:

 As the tears fell, she wrote everything that was on her mind:

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She wrote more, spilling out her heart before folding the paper up and walking back out of the classroom

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She wrote more, spilling out her heart before folding the paper up and walking back out of the classroom. She hazily picked up an envelope from the office and put her writing in the envelope, addressing it to Mitch and putting a stamp on it. She walked to Mitch's house and put it into his mail shoot before walking home, picking up her mom's car and driving off. As she neared a bridge, she sped up, feeling like this was it. With one quick swerve, her car zoomed off the side of the bridge, into the lake.

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