
21 4 0

October 23, 2017
Dear Diary,
I don't get it. Why did I go after him when I got angry? Why was my instinct to leave with him yesterday? It's like he's taking over my mind. He's let himself in, and now I can't seem to get him out. I want to. No! I need to get him out of my head or another high schooler is going to "commit suicide" yet again. I know it'll happen, but for some reason I keep telling myself it's not. What the actual fuck should I do?...

Mitch sighed and began to get dressed for the day, not caring how he looked

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Mitch sighed and began to get dressed for the day, not caring how he looked. He threw on a tank top under a hoodie, some distressed, black skinny jeans, throwing on his red Adidas. Deciding he didn't want his hair anymore, he shaved it all off and put on a beanie. He sighed and grabbed his pre packed bag, heading back over to his bedside table. He grabbed his phone, put in his earphones, and put on the Veronicas before heading out the door. He stopped by a coffee shop, grabbing a latte and breakfast sandwich before walking to school, not knowing what to expect from everyone.

When he stepped through those doors, everyone treated him exactly as they treated Lexi, and he was shocked by them actually still liking him. He got a lot of hugs, fashion questions, and hellos from girls, and a few flirts here and there from guys that were finally accepted as gay. Mitch just smiled and blushed as he walked through the hallway, making it safely to his locker. He put his bag away and grabbed everything he needed for his first few periods, closing his locker. When he did close his locker, he jumped and squealed at the sight of Scott standing there with his usual evil smirk.

"Greetings and salutations," the blonde switched to a smile. "Doesn't the world seem so much better now that they're gone?"

"Scott..." Mitch scolded, pulling him into an empty classroom. "Don't talk about that when people can hear you. Also, I didn't want them dead, Scott."

"We've gone over this," Scott laughed, boiling Mitch's blood in a bad way. "You DID want them dead."

"No I didn't!" Mitch yelled, closing his eyes as if to shield himself from reality.

"Look!" Scott sighed. "Those three assholes made your life a living hell. They hurt you and many others, and now they can't do it anymore. We can make this world a better place, one asshole at a time. Who's next? Alexis?"

"When are you going to stop this?" Mitch spat, trying to walk away, but Scott pulled him back.

"I will stop when every god-damned ne'er-do-well is in the fucking grave!" Scott snapped with a terrifying growl, Mitch pushing the blonde away angrily.

"We're fucked up in a fucked up world," Mitch sighed out, "but that doesn't make us special. We're not God, we don't choose who gets to stay on Earth. This isn't what normal people do. I want to be a normal high school couple. I want to go see shitty movies and just be a couple. I want to go bowling, or do cliche couple challenges. I want to be a normal senior with a normal boyfriend. Just let me in."

"People just come and go and leave scars," Scott began to soften up, beginning to tear up. "They leave you feeling shittier than before you met them."

"That's where we let go and focus on each other," Mitch continued. "We have seven more months, and then we'll be out of here. We can buy some new clothes and move far away from here. We can tour the world."

"I'd rather finally have a place to call home," Scott admitted.

"I will be your home, Scotty," Mitch reassured. "Imagine touring the whole world, trying new things while we build a home in each other."

"Maybe before the year ends we can go to prom," Scott smiled, looking into the other man's eyes. "I'd love to just dance with you."

"Is it so hard to just let me in?" Mitch asked, getting a little closer. "Just let me be all you care about. Let's be seventeen, Scott. We still have time, and I want to be with you and only you."

"We're so damaged..." Scott sniffled, slowly inching closer to the Italian, "but I love you too much to lose you."

"Hold and promise you won't let go," Mitch whispered, pulling the blond close to him. "I will stay. I promise I will stay if you choose me, because I choose you."

"I choose you, Mitch," Scott reassured, pulling the smaller man into a kiss before happily walking out.

"Do you really think that he's going to just change like that?" Alex laughed, Mitch turning around to look at her.

"I'd love to believe so," Mitch admitted. "Just let me have my moment, okay?"

"We both know he won't change," she rolled her eyes. "You know what he is, and you love it. You're just like him."

"He will change!" He yelled out as if trying to even convince himself, Kirstie storming in and frantically closing the door behind her.

"I need your help, Mitch," Kirstie requested breathlessly. "I asked Scott where you are, and he told me you were in here."

"Is there something wrong?" Mitch asked, concerned about the Latina.

"I don't think that Wes and Damien's death was a suicide," she blurted out. "I think they were murdered."

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw!" Alex laughed out in the Italian's head. "Go on. Become the bitch you were born to be."

"What makes you think that?" Mitch asked, his throat dry and face pale.

"That new kid..." Kirstie sighed out normally. "Your... Boyfriend? I've heard rumors that he killed his mother, and so I was thinking that maybe... Since he got in a fight with them twice... Maybe he killed them... And even Alex too. I don't think they're gay. Wes wrote me that letter... How could he be gay if he wrote that note?"

"Because I wrote it!" Mitch blurted out, instantly regretting it. "Alex made me write it, and he was in on it. The only reason he even seemed interested in you is because I paid him in booze. He didn't love you, or anyone really."

"I thought you were my friend!" Kirstie spat, beginning to tear up.

"I am your friend, Kitty," Mitch reassured, trying to pull her into an apologetic hug, but she pushed him away. "Look, I was trying to tell you that he wasn't worth it. I tried to warn you about all of this, but you're so lost in your kindergarten fantasy that you didn't realize I have been telling you all along."

"So it's a kindergarten fantasy now..." She laughed hysterically, running out of the room.

"You did such a great job at destroying her," Alex laughed, Mitch tensing up and turning around.

"I was doing what I thought was right," Mitch argued. "I didn't want her to know that Scott did this..."

"Or he'd kill her too," she smirked. "Just face it. He's a killer, and so are you."

"Please get out of my head..." Mitch begged, running out and going to his first class.

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