Dead Gay Son

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October 22, 2017
Dear Diary,
My teen angst bullshit has a body count. I didn't know when I got into a relationship that I'd become a serial killer, though I technically only killed one. I know he was right, they were bad people, but there could've been good needing to be found in them. Now we will never know...

Mitch was trying his hardest to avoid the blond that had led him into the life of crime. He didn't want to become a bad person, and he knew he had to get away from the person that made him worse... but better at the same time. He couldn't choose whether or not to just leave the blond, because for some strange, fucked up reason, the best in him outweighed the worst. Still, Mitch was beginning to break because even though he refused to admit it, he wanted Scott in his life, because he loved him too damn much. So when as he turned himself into Lexi, he kept Scott in mind as he got ready for the funeral he caused.

Lexi put the finishing touches on her black lipstick, checking herself in the mirror before grabbing her purse and going out to the car that her mother bought for her

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Lexi put the finishing touches on her black lipstick, checking herself in the mirror before grabbing her purse and going out to the car that her mother bought for her. She drove to Alexis's house and sat outside of the girl's new house, thanks to a secret guardian angel, aka Lexi. She turned up the music, a song from her favorite artist, Dean Sawyer, as the British beauty walked out and got in the car. Lexi was shocked when she saw her friend in no bright colors aside from Damien's varsity jacket. She had never seen the girl so sad, and she felt even worse than she had before.

 She had never seen the girl so sad, and she felt even worse than she had before

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"Are you okay, Alexis?" Lexi asked, concern lacing her voice like thread. "You don't have to go if you don't think you can get through it."

"It is the least I can do," Alexis faked a smile. "You know that Damien wasn't really a bad guy. He's kind of like me, forced to be someone different because of his financial status. He was so sweet and I thought he actually did love me. I guess it wasn't true."

"I am sure he had an explanation," Lexi reassured, guilt and regret possessing the Italian, "but he didn't get the chance to actually tell you, because he was afraid of what you'd say. I know that if he told you, you would've been hurt but I'm guessing you think it would've hurt less than finding out this way, am I right?"

"Yes," she sniffled, tears tripping down like rain. "Even if we weren't together, I know we'd be there for each other, because we're the only one that truly knew each other... At least that's what I thought... At least he's in a better place now."

"He is," Lexi smile, driving to the funeral home. Alexis went straight up, but Lexi stood back, watching people over the prematurely deceased football players.

"Isn't it amazing how many people actually gave a shit about them," Lexi heard her lover say, looking over to see him right next to her. "Isn't this beautiful?! It seems we've done good."

"This is fucking chaos," Lexi spat, trying her hardest not to look at him again. "My life is fucking chaos."

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling," he laughed kissing the Italian on the cheek and walking up to pretend to pay respects.

"How many more are you going to let him convince you to kill?" Alex's ghost asked. "I'm guessing he'll be trying to off Alexa within a week."

"I am done with that, so leave me alone," Lexi spat, walking up to the coffins herself, guilt churning in the pit of her stomach as he approached Alexis, who was trying to avoid Alexa.

"How are you holding up?" Lexi asked, hugging the distraught girl from behind.

"I'll be okay," Alexis sniffled, though she was calm. "I am shockingly a lot more peaceful than I thought I would be. I mostly know the real Damien, so I know he deserves to be an angel in the sky, and it soothes me to know that."

"You are such a sweet person," Lexi smiled sweetly. "You deserve nothing but happiness."

"There's not too many reasons to be happy anymore," Alexis sighed, "but I have to be, because cheerleaders always have to stay happy..."

"You don't..." is all Lexi could get out before they all could hear the fathers of the deceased arguing.

"How dare you say you don't care your son is dead?!" Damien's dad, Ian called out. "He is your flesh and blood!"

"I will not let no fag be under my roof, Ian," Wes's dad, Tony, yelled back. "You of all people should know I don't tolerate that bullshit."

"Then you are a terrible human, Tony," Ian shook his head. "They're not bad people. They were lonely and scared of the world's reaction. People like you need to realize it's okay. I love my dead gay son. All of this was a part of God's plan; to bring our sons back to heaven."

"The Bible says homosexuality is a sin!" Tony spat. "It's against God's word."

"So is alcoholism, adultery, and divorce," Ian retorted, and your excessive drinking has caused your three marriages to end from infidelity, but I don't like to point out flaws like you do. They just wanted to be free to love each other, it's all they wanted. They wanted the world around them to accept them, but they knew that it was an impossible hope. I applaud them for doing what they did. They are finally able to be happy together in heaven. I can't believe you can judge them after the Cowboys weekend two years ago. You remember that? You remember us?"

"That was the best weekend of my life..." Tony admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "Fuck it! Would you like to go on an actual date tomorrow? That new football movie is out. How about we get a nice dinner and go see it?"

"I would love that," Ian smiled, kissing the other man on the cheek.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Alexa spat. "This is ridiculous that you tease these men like this?"

"You don't care," Lexi retorted with a laugh. "Out of all people, you terrorized them the most. Their dads seem to be genuine to me, but that's because I'm not a heartless bitch. You're worse than Alex ever thought of being."

"Which is exactly why I am still here and she isn't," Alexa laughed. "I am red now, Bitch. You have to follow my rules now."

"I don't have to follow anyone," Lexi laughed, taking the wig off and making people gasp. "I don't give a shit anymore. I want to be me again, and there's nothing you can really do about it, because everyone obviously likes me more. Hell, your boyfriend liked me more than you. I'm over this bullshit. Come on Scott, let's go get a slushy."

"Okay," Scott laughed with a smug look on his face, the two walking out of the funeral.

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