DGW Reprise/I Am Damaged

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"Ahhhhhhhh!" Mitch screamed when he heard his mother. "Nooooooooo! Iiiiiimmmm Ooookaaaaaaaaay! I'm alive! I'm okay! It was a joke! I promise it was a joke!"

"Well it's not fucking funny!" Nel laughed, trying to catch her breath. "Don't scare me like that ever again. I promise I will start listening to you more. I will be here for you more."

"Whatever!" Mitch snapped. "I don't have time for sentiments. I have a real suicide to commit."

"What are you talking about?!" Nel gasped with panic.

"I have to kill myself to save hundreds," Mitch sighed, picking up his old baseball bat and storming out the door, to his car.

He hopped in the car and drove as quickly as possible, getting pulled over by the cops from the forest. After being told that he looked like a less hot, not female version of a pornstar they saw, he snapped, told them it was him in girl clothes, and that he'd reveal it to their head that they were watching two 17 year old boys fucking, and they let him go, him speeding the rest of the way to the school. He sat there for a few seconds, taking a deep breath before going into the school, instantly bumping into Miss Carter.

"Mitchell!" She beamed with a gasp. "I thought you were dead. Your boyfriend told me you hung yourself."

"He is not my boyfriend," Mitch corrected, "and he is wrong about a lot of things. What is in the basement."

"The boiler room," she confusedly raised an eyebrow. "Why do you need to know."

"I have a strong feeling Scott is about to do something huge," Mitch answered nervously. "Just please tell them to move the pep rally to the football field. I don't want anyone getting hurt. Just set up some music and make Scott think it's still happening. Get them out now. Just trust me okay?"

Miss Carter nodded and Mitch ran away, trying to find the second entrance to the basement. He felt like this was his final battle against the man he became. He was just a dead man walking, and the only ones that deserved to die was him and the monster he created. He knew he had to find him and try to talk him down, even though he knew it was impossible. He wanted to wish for talking Scott out of it and everything being okay, but judging by grabbing a baseball bat, he knew that wishes were for fairytales. He weaved through the underground hallways eventually making it to Scott who was placing the device where he needed it to be.

"Put down the fucking bomb," Mitch demanded, the blond turning to face him.

"I thought you were over this whole fake suicide bullshit," he laughed nervously. "Also this isn't a bomb. This is just a little firework compared to what I have put throughout the entire school. Once this baby goes off, so does the rest of the school."

"You don't have to do this," Mitch shook his head. "Some of those people are good people. They have their lives to live. They deserve to live."

"That is bullshit!" Scott snapped, pointing a gun at Mitch. "This is all bullshit! This will look like a rebel cry of the century. They will look at the remnants of this school and realize that it wasn't society that caused the demise of this school. The shitty people here were the society. The only way that all people will be equal is when they're 6 feet under."

"Look," Mitch sighed. "I know you've been through a lot since you were young. I get it, Scott. I wish your mom was still here, and I wish I knew you when she was because I know we could've both talked her out of it. I wish that your dad wasn't a fucking piece of shit. I wish he didn't convince you that destruction is all you can do in this world. I wish that you grew up seeing that the world isn't actually against you. I wish you'd come with me and I'd show you just how good the world could be. I thought maybe seeing me dead would change your mind and I'd wake up and show you I'm not going anywhere. I am so sorry that you are having to do this. I don't want you to do this."

"I wish I had enough to blow up the whole fucking town..." Scott mumbled, Mitch sighing as he noticed Scott wasn't looking at him anymore.

Mitch thought fast and ran up to Scott, hitting the blonds leg with enough force to nearly break it. Scott tried to pull up the gun but Mitch was too quick and grabbed the hand trying to get the gun from the blond. As the music of the fake rally played above them, they had their final dance as they tried to have control of the gun. As the climax of the song hit, the gun went off, Scott falling to the ground.

"Okay which wire to stop it?" Mitch asked, but Scott was already unconscious, near death. "Fuck you, Scott Hoying."

Mitch grabbed the bomb and his baseball bat, along with his pen and journal. He walked down a certain hallway to the bunker built for explosive situations, putting in the PIN to unlock it. He walked in, sat on one of the chairs and held it close to his body as the timer went down. With three minutes to spare, the door opened to reveal Scott weakly leaning against the door.

"You're not getting this bomb," Mitch shook his head, though he was terrified that it would go off any second and ruining his plan.

"I am not trying to get the bomb," Scott sighed, getting closer to the man. "Look you won fair and square. There's nothing left I can do. I am so sorry I brought you into this but I couldn't go through things alone. All I know is you deserve to live your life because you're not a monster. I love you and I'm sorry..."

"Sco..." is all Mitch could get out before the other man's lips were on his one last time. Before Mitch could register what was going on, Scott grabbed the bomb and threw Mitch out of the bunker, the door closing just in enough time to save the Italian, as well as the entire high school.

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