Chapter 11 - The fallen Queen.

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In the weeks that passed since Victoria had come to visit, the castle was almost completely overrun. The sound of fighting and screaming was constantly echoing through the hallways. Somehow, Emily remained unharmed. The blonde's anxiety was constantly through the roof. None of the maids had visited her room in over forty-eight hours and she was getting hungry and restless.

Emily's bump seemed to grow by the minute, now fully visible under the loose material of the dress she wore. She'd become impatient, day after day staring out of the lonely apartment she'd come to call her own. There was a growl coming from the hallway. She held her breath as though it would make her invisible.

Fuck it, she thought. If Victoria wouldn't help her, she'd have to help herself. Annabelle still hadn't let up, the lies her uncle told her probably still plaguing the hybrid's mind.

She'd found a new sense of confidence and decided she could pull off her escape on her own. Emily grabbed a few pieces of clean clothing, the remainder of her snacks and whatever food she had lying around. The blonde stuffed them all into a sack and tied a knot at the end.

Just as she gathered the courage to open the door, it flew open inches away from her face. A chill entered the room. She didn't see a person, nor a shadow. Emily clutched the sack to her chest, a knife she'd used to spread jam on her toast held tightly in the other hand. Although her heart skipped several beats, she could no longer be afraid. The tiny human growing inside her didn't allow the luxury of fear.

She made her way out of the room slowly, spinning around in a panic with every step she took.

"And what did you plan to do with that?" A chilling voice spoke. She spun to face a ghastly, pale figure. Geoffrey. Wasn't he missing? "What are you doing here?" she could feel a tremble coming on. Whether or not she wanted to admit it, Emily was terrified.

Geoffrey took a step closer. "Come any closer and I'll scream. Annabelle will hear it, she'll be here in seconds." She didn't believe a word she was saying.

The man chuckled. "Annabelle couldn't pull her head out of her ass right now. And even if she could, it wouldn't be to save you." His finger poked her forehead. "Or that bastard child of yours." A sigh escaped her lips, defeat sinking in. "What do you want?" "You are not leaving." He deadpanned. "You are the most important piece of the puzzle brat. And mother dearest would not be happy if she knew you ran off."

A million things raced through her mind as her sanity hung onto each word the vampire spoke. Nothing made sense. Apart from the fact that Emily was one hundred percent convinced Geoffrey was involved in whatever madness that took place over the span of the last four months. Her stomach was turning at the thought of herself or her child being a key factor in whatever it was the man had planned.

It was a plot from the very beginning, and Geoffrey was at the centre of it all. Emily's blonde hair blew with the sheer force the Vampire used to grab her throat. She gagged and gasped all at once as her little life was held within the gnarly hands of the tall vampire.

The blonde's vision blurred, but she remained conscious long enough to see a large ball of fur launch itself at Geoffrey. The massive wolf chomped down on the man's arm, eliciting a painful yell from his lips.

He released Emily onto the floor to throw the wolf aside with all his strength. Once he'd gotten free, Geoffrey flittered quickly from the room, disappearing around the corner. Victoria stood in her human form, examining the blonde for signs of injury.

"I'm sorry it took me so long." She said with a huff.
Emily struggled to her feet, grasping the wolf's hand for support as she stood.
"Please," she cried. "Just get me out of here."

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