Chapter 7

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"That event in Derbyshire was quite entertaining, I must say. I found myself biting my nails even though I'm not as obsessed with horses as you are," Ralph was saying to Theo.

He was hardly listening though. His attention was reserved for Lady Rosalyn Orford. She wasn't speaking at all. But ever since they'd started talking about horse racing, he could see the play of emotions on her face. He'd sense that she was about to say something, but then she'd swallow it and keep her lips sealed.

He knew how to get her to talk.

"You know, I was at this local event last week. I didn't participate, I was just there as a spectator. The actual race was between the thoroughbred and this new Cleveland bay. And it was quite shocking to watch the bay win the race," he said.

"It was obvious, is what it was," Lady Rosalyn snorted.


"It was?" Ralph asked her suspiciously.

"That the bay would win? Of course," she shot back.

"Yes, I gathered as much. I'm asking you how you know about this local race," Ralph said through clenched teeth.

Oh because she was there and she won the bets. Also, she was unaccompanied, dressed as a man, Theo wanted to say. But he kept his mouth shut.

"Ralph, you know I keep an account on all the races happening around here. I asked one of the footmen," she stuttered.

Ralph didn't look like he believed a word she'd said but let it go because they had company.

"Alright. But it is true, my sister is just as mad about horses as you are, if not more," Ralph said to Theo.

"Interesting. So tell me, Lady Rosalyn, why did your footman think the bay won?" He turned to her.

She seemed a little nervous at his question, but replied, "the thoroughbred was tired and didn't seem to be in good spirits. While the bay normally isn't as fast as the thoroughbred, it was clear that her heart was in it."

"Or so my footman thought," she added when Ralph looked at her with narrowed eyes.

To any novice, her answer would've been a ton of gibberish. But Theo was no novice. And it seemed like this woman understood horses. This was exactly what he'd thought at the beginning of the race.

He just nodded, too surprised to speak. She was unlike any woman he'd ever encountered.

"What did you think of the Derby Stakes that happened last month?" Lady Rosalyn asked Theo.

He knew she was testing him.

After a while, he found that he was engaged in a heated but extremely riveting conversation with Lady Rosalyn. And he discovered that Ralph had excused himself sometime back.

"It seems like your brother has deserted us," he said.

She seemed taken aback, noticing Ralph's absence only then. That pleased him.

"It seems he has. And so have my friends," she murmured.

"Would you like to take in some fresh air?" he asked, a little too hopefully for his taste.

"I would like that above all else," she smiled.

They made their way to the balcony, it was littered with several people but it was better than the crowded ball room.

They leaned against the railing, not knowing what to say to each other.

"There's something..." they both said at the same time and laughed.

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